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I'm Not You
I'm Not You

I'm Not You


I'm sorry that you are trying so hard to make me be like you. I am nothing like you. I am trying to be myself and it is hard enough to be myself already because it seems like no one accepts the real me. I constantly ask myself if I am good enough but then that thought gets stuck in my head and I don't know how to get it out. You are trying so hard for me to be like you. You call yourself an amazing person, but how come you aren't accepted by a lot of people either. You can't say that everyone adores you when it's just a lie. Let me be myself. I don't want to be you. I hate that you are trying to change me. Am I not good enough for your approval? How could you do this? I have lived with you since I was 9 years old and you never acted like this before. Now, you are just suddenly telling me to be like you because every one adores you. You act like you are perfect, but let me tell you, you might be liked by some people but can't stand you. You tried to bribe me to tell you I loved you, but I truly can't say it. The word is overused and it officially means nothing. You can't buy love. I'm sorry but it is true. You can't change who I am. You can try all you want. Thanks for basically telling me I wasn't good enough.

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15 Apr, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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