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Imperfect-Part One
Imperfect-Part One

Imperfect-Part One

BookNerd123Black Sheep

(Orion Collin's pov.)

"Hello, my students." Mrs. Beaul says, not looking up from her desk. Mrs Beaul is a nice older woman who teaches art with such a passion it is scary. "Today, my dears, we will be drawing the specimen of a male." The door opens just as she finshes her sentence and a tall male figure leans against the door.

"Ren, I was wondering when you would show up." Mrs. Beaul says pulling him into the room. "My children this is Ren, he is the male specimen which you will be drawing." Ren waves and takes a seat on the stool in the middle of the classroom. Ren is lean, tall, has short- cropped wavy black hair, dimples, freckles, and double peirced ears. Overall he is a good looking guy but the most interesting thing about him is his eyes. The right eye is a deep dark blue colour with golden flecks whereas the left is a deep chocolate brown with green flecks. He wears a tight grey tee-shirt showing off the abs beneath, tight black ripped skinny jeans, and combat boots.

I keep my eyes on him as I trace the outer-shape of his body; down his jaw, his neck, his arms , and finally his legs. I shift my sight between him and the paper resting on my easel and go into sharper detail. I take my paints and colour in the drawing.

"Okay,class, lets see how you all did. My peice looks exactly like him detail for detail. Mrs. Beaul goes around the room scruitinizing every person's peice. She finally gets to mine, surprise etched deep into the wrinkles in her flesh. "Wow, Orion. This is amazing." I cannot help but beam at her praise.

She moves on, not speaking out to the other students. "Okay, class, dismissed. Have a nice weekend." We all pack up our things, I roll up the drawing, and snap a rubber band onto it. "Orion,Orion!" Someone shouts after me, I stop waiting for them to catch up. "Can I see that?" Ren asks, his odd beautiful eyes traveling over my. I unfold the drawing and hold it out to him.

He smiles,"thats amazing." I beam, blushing slightly. "I will be modeling again next week. How would you like to catch dinner after?" I nod and he beams,"I will see you then." I nod again and wave as he walks away.

Author Notes: Hope you all enjoy

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
18 Feb, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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