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Intrusive Thoughts Reviews

3 reviews have given an average rating of 5 out of 5 Stars
burbrkac000 gave a rating of 5

I love it! These thoughts happen all the time, (including sexuality, I thought was queer, but I soon realized it was something like these thoughts. -of course, this isn't the case for many people )
thankfully people have grown to recognize these thoughts as you do! It is a great and relatable story

Zack gave a rating of 5

I can relate, every time I see an ambulance I think "who died?" or some of the exact things you said, but I often think "what if I ran away or raised hell in school and just left, just snapped on everyone that's ever done anything to me at all." I try not to though. :)

Lyn gave a rating of 5

Hey, it's me again! In paragraph 5, you have a quotation mark at the beginning where it's not needed. I personally don't have intrusive thoughts, so I can't say that this has affected me in any way, but I know that this can help others, which is great! Keep writing!


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