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It Wasn't Me
It Wasn't Me

It Wasn't Me


There was a time in my life where I had a boy that I liked

At the time, I thought he was sweet and funny and kind-never once did I think he would lie

I wasted six hours of my life making him a painting for a surprise

How did I not see with these eyes something wasn't right?

He didn’t have to say a thing

Every time I was near him, I would shrink

But yet still I wanted him to like me

So I made a fool of myself

Despite everyone else

I tried so hard to be someone I could never be

It wasn't me

I barely spoke, didn’t joke around

I just smiled like a doll painted on the background around him

I didn’t correct him when he was wrong, didn’t argue

I was a fly on the wall dodging shoes

He said he still felt the same

I forced myself to believe him.

But something had definitely changed

It would never be the same again

Suddenly, I wasn’t the only girl he wanted to see

And then, it seemed the one he didn't want to see was me

I knew she was better

Prettier, more elegant, more clever

And I was so different from her

I didn’t even want to eat

My rival was skinny

It wasn't me

I barely spoke, didn’t joke around

I just smiled like a doll painted on the background around him

I didn’t correct him when he was wrong, didn’t argue

I was a fly on the wall dodging shoes

But a wild wolf can’t be stuffed alive

It must first suffocate and die

It took forever, but I finally realized

Something wasn’t right

He said he still liked me, but did he lie?

I brought it up, he brought me down again

I guess for a moment I gave in

Started making excuses to my friends

But I wasn’t quite yet dead

I finally let him go, said goodbye

It was later the same day I found out about his lies

And I was the only one who didn’t know

He’d gotten over me a month ago

I raged for days

I felt stupid, heart more than grazed

But up again went that blaze

And so I was free

And now with these eyes I can see

It was me

I talk too much, laugh too loud

I grin and dance in the foreground

I’ll correct you if you’re wrong, argue over every word

I’ll fly if I want, and I’ll fly like a bird

Next time I’ll remember who I am

This time I’ll think hard about who he is

I won’t fall for that again

He’s one era in my life that I won’t miss

I’m short, cheerful, and full of confidence

No one can dispute my independence

I may be too loud, but that won’t change

I give you a reason to remember the name

So before anyone decides to play games

Just remember, I’m the player, not the piece

Don’t bother asking who dares

Because it's me

Author Notes: Sorry if its a little rough! I didn't really edit it much...

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12 Jul, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
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