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Journey of Perfection in Love.
Journey of Perfection in Love.

Journey of Perfection in Love.

7 Reviews

A journey of perfection in love.

Everyone think that his or her work and any activity should be without a flaw or defect. We always wish that our work should be perfect. Basically we all are greedy traveller in this journey of perfection. Our journey starts from the day we born and don’t think about its end. We always tries to be best from the rest. Everybody loves a perfectionist because he don’t have any flaw. But I like the imperfect person as he is the hardworking and motivational traveller in the journey of perfection.
About love-
Everyone think that their love should be like movies where both the Romeo and Juliet loves each other. But the reality is every love is single sided. No two bodies can attract each other if they don’t have anything common between them.
One of my friend on annual event did not dressed up. I asked him the cause. He said that he had a break up from his girlfriend and she is not coming to watch his event. It was just a silly reason for dropping the performance. I told him that 100 eyes are watching you and you are bothered only for that two silly eyes. It is not the end, no one dies alone. Not like her but you can get someone even more beautiful. I thought he understood my saying.
The unfair deal in love is, whenever we like a person, we only focus on him, everything else is background. Whenever good happens to us, we try to be in front of the person or wait for his vision. But when situation goes wrong, we try to hide from that person. But the truth is if the person loves you then he will accept your all goods and odds. If not, then 100 eyes are watching you. Be perfect in front of them.
Did you remember your Valentine’s week? You may remember your love or the gifts but what about the place where you got this. Observation in love makes you perfect. According to me parks and gardens are made to add richness to the memories of love. They are the best place to confess your love. But it’s all the fake thing. Don’t think too much about the location or how can we call the person to such place?, will he be comfortable here? This thing doesn’t matter. What matters is that the person is comfortable with you. After all he has to spent his life with you.
But the most important question to be perfect is that do you really love that person? Ask yourself. These questions do not have any solutions because when you think from heart your brain is in confusion. And those who don’t have any partner, someday or the other you may find your love in the darkness of the background. Be imperfect in love so that you can enjoy every taste of it. Remember one thing no one is perfect, happiness, friendship, and sorrow are there in love. If you lose someone then also 100 eyes are watching you.


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6 Jan, 2019
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