Journey to Halloween Past

Now at long last! Halloween is here!
Today’s the greatest day of the year!
Wearing costumes to school’s afternoon,
When the day ends the fun will come soon!
We’ll meet our gang in the orange twilight,
Then head off to bliss in the wonderous night.
Jack o’lanterns with bright candles inside
O’er mysteries and fun frights will preside.
Beware! Eerie landscapes! Haunted houses!
Goblins! Ghosts! Ghouls! Vampires with spouses!
Monsters lurk! Demons creep! Werewolves howl ‘Boo!’
Cats hiss! Bats fly! Witches on broomsticks too!
Monsters and masquearaders fill the streets!
Our bags are filled with chocolates and sweets!
Candy awaits us at every door,
They’ll fill our bags and we’ll come back for more!
How wonderful to look back to our past,
The amount of time elapsed is so vast.
New children have come in the same old styles,
As I put treats in bags, mothers give smiles…
Author Notes: *
Lavender jacarandas…
Blue jack o’lanterns are seen!
This night we understand is…
Australian Halloween!
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