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Just an Idea
Just an Idea

Just an Idea

1 Review

Serenity Micheal walks into the tall building, forcing herself not to limp. The secretary looks down at her with her wise eyes. "I need to see Kasar Leon," she says, and the secretary scoffs.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asks Serenity.

"N-no?" She say it like a question, and then the phone rings.

"Mhm... yes sir.. I'll send her up." The secretary hangs up and then looks at me. "Take the elevator. Top floor, keep going straight until you see the last office at the end of the hall." Serenity backs up and goes to the elevator and presses floor 6. She leans against the railing, and takes the weight off her left leg. Ever since Serenity had gotten into The Accident almost a year ago, she had to undergo treatment for her leg, and was left with a limp. She pulls out her phone and messages her two best friends, Nova and Alya, and tell them she got to Leon Co. The elevator opens and she follows the secretary's directions and end at the end and there is a office door. She puts her fist up to it and knock.

"Come in," a deep voice says, and she opens the door. There stands her ex bff/lover, Kasar Leon, in his natural habitat. He has his hair loose and it goes around his shoulders. He wears a gray suit and a coal black tie, the only hint of his old self in his shoes. Boots, of course. "Hello, Serenity." He says, and she stands up straight. She walks over to a chair and sit in it, needing to take the weight off her leg.

"Hello, Mr. Leon," She says formally. "I advise you call me by my last name, I don't like anyone other my family or friends calling me by my first name. I have a serious matter to discuss, though."

"Please, do tell."

"Someone is stalking me," She feels a roll of nausea going through her, and she feels she's gonna puke. "They are getting into my home, but no one even cares or notices. I've brought it up with the cops, but they say I'm imagining things. I know I'm not!"

I'ma end it here, comment if i should continue!

Author Notes: Okay i'm used to first person writing, not third person, so if I say 'i' or 'me' or something out of talking, its just cause im not used to it

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24 May, 2021
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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