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Just a Draft
Just a Draft

Just a Draft

3 Reviews

The pale white walls and the shining light made the woman in the hospital room squint in frustration. She grunted in pain as she felt that her baby was ready to come into the world. The doctor commanded her to push hard but with every small push, it was agony. After many long hours, the baby was finally born making the woman happy, but her heart sunk when she heard the Doctor.

"Quick we need to get this baby on life support!" The doctor shouted as they held the small baby in their hands.

"Where are you taking my baby? Stop them! Please?" The wife screamed fanatically.

"They have to take him. If not, he can die. Don't worry we will have him back in no time." The husband had reassured his wife before she fainted after giving birth.

Hours had passed before the same doctor told the husband that the baby wasn't going to make it through the night. He cried in the lobby, questioning God, "Why must he lose this bundle of life." Too busy with his misery, he did not notice a man with a cane who came into the lobby and approached him. He hovered over the man until the man took notice.

Wait a minute; this doesn't sound right enough. Maybe I should try doing it with another beginning.

I think it is time for us to go to the original body that God has made for us don't you think so?

No, not yet.

We need to move on and push forward until they don't need us anymore.

However, we are growing, and we need to build up muscle strength for the next time they really need us.

It is time to die again.

If we must, then we shall.

On the other hand, maybe the first one was better, but I don't think it pulls enough reader attention. How the hell will they understand that the bold is indicating that someone in their head is talking, anyways! What is wrong with me? Sigh...

Wait! Maybe I should start it with a love scene....

The moon shone down on the girl, as she gazed into her lover's eyes for what felt like eternity to her, but the pain of the dagger he pierced through her heart made her cry out in pain...

What the fuck just happened?

That turned south too quick.

Sigh, I always forget that I can't write romance scenes for crap.

Okay, calm down before you hit a writer's block.

Okay, okay.

You know what? I should take a break.


I swear to God! I didn't mean to procrastinate for a month.

I just... worked a lot which caused me to be very sleepy. I just didn't have the time like I used to...

Alright, we all knew I was lying to myself.

Okay, back to the first option,

The pale white walls and the shining light made the woman in the hospital room squint in frustration. She grunted in pain as she felt that her baby was ready to come into the world.

It was too quick in; I should set the scene....

The bright lights in the emergency room made the woman groan in annoyance. She had just arrived from-

Delete. Delete. DELETE.

That was just terrible, come on, get your head back in the game.

The sound of heavy breathing was heard in the air while shouts of 'keep pushing' were heard every few seconds.

Oh, oh, yes! That sounded way better.

With every agonizing push, she finally was able to deliver the baby into the world. Gazing upon her child in the doctor's arms, she took notice of the expression on his face.

Before she could question it, the doctor shouted at the nurses making her heart miss a beat, "Quick we need to get this baby on life support!"

The woman screamed fanatically, while watching them take her baby out of the room, "Where are you taking my baby? Stop them! Please?"

"It is alright my love. They have to make sure the baby will live. I'm sure will have them back soon," her husband reassured her, before she passed out from exhaustion.

Before he knew it, hours had passed when the same doctor told him the baby wasn't going to make it through the night. He couldn't contain his grief and cried in the lobby, questioning his God. He became so self-absorbed in misery, he didn't notice a man with a cane coming in his direction, until the man hovered over him.

Until the man hovered over him

Shit! I forgot, what the hell is supposed to happen after this!

"Fate? What was that noise? Omg! Don't tell me you pushed everything off the desk again because you forgot how to continue a story?"

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20 Aug, 2016
Read Time
3 mins
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4.7 (3 reviews)

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