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Just Your Pay Check
Just Your Pay Check

Just Your Pay Check

2 Reviews

There isn't any more fight left in me. I try to cry but I can't. What's wrong with me? Will I always feel this way? I am tired of this feeling. You asked me why I tried to kill myself but I can't give you the answer. You won't understand. You just call me dramatic and stupid. I'm worthless. I'm a burden to you and everyone else. I'm broken and I'm sad. You can't fix me. You bring me to a psychiastrist but what do they know. They are paid to help me. They don't really care if I die. I'm just a piece of paper in their bank account. I don't matter to them. I'm a wasted space. I'm not needed. I'm tired. I want to cry. It would feel so good to cry. I just can't. It's like I have no tears. I don't deserve to be here. No one would care if I cried. No one would cry. I'm a burden. Every one hates me. I wish I was different. I wish you could love me as I am. I understand though. How could you love me? There is nothing about me to love. You say it but you don't mean it. No one knows this pain that I am feeling. If I was different would I be liked more. I hate my body. I hate my hair. I hate my crooked teeth that make every body stare. I hate me. I'm insecure, isignifigant, a burden, I'm nothing. I'm just your pay check. I don't matter. Just give me a break and let me die in peace.

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12 Apr, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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