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Keep Your Home and Conscience Clean With Sustainable Products
Keep Your Home and Conscience Clean With Sustainable Products

Keep Your Home and Conscience Clean With Sustainable Products


A couple of times I sent my wife and son to the sea, because I didn’t succeed at work with a vacation, or I pretended that it didn’t work, because I still remember the first joint (about three) vacation in Turkey with a shudder. Well, that's why “the child needs the sea” - “I can't” - “but what should we do? why should a child suffer? " - "Yes, nivapros, fly together, like I'll work."

Both times were blessed, I'm not afraid of this word, two weeks. And then one time I, already a bit tough, it struck me to "arrange an emergency." It was not at all shortly before the family returned, but rather the opposite - on the 3rd day after I took them to the DMD by plane. Che, that's all. Well, I actually spent a few hours pid @ rasil the apartment. Everything. Inside and out, including the toilet. Moreover, after each drink I drank (and I did not interrupt this process), a thread of another nook with dirt / dust / chaos opened to me. Why and why I did this, I cannot explain, because I don’t remember how long ago it was + I drank a lot in the end.

The apotheosis of my general cleaning was a completely unexpected visit from my mother-in-law.

You know, she is a wonderful and sweetest person, we have a BEAUTIFUL relationship with her, proven over a thousand times. But from this side, she simply did not know me, and, as it were, I do not have this / such side. That is, in her understanding, I and ban @ linen dishwashing are incompatible things and, in fact, it is. I did not hear the arrival of my mother-in-law - the music was screaming loudly.
When she entered, having opened it with her key, I was cleaning the floor in the nursery with a rag in a knee-elbow position. She didn't expect to see what she saw. The whole apartment was shiny. I, in my underpants, drunk, giggling and giggling under my breath, finished my "last stroke", squeezed out the rag for the last time and (there was just a pause between the songs on the record) broadcast out loud what, sobssno and amused me. Here in the archive of our family there are some discrepancies ...

Either I said something a la "in Natasha, oh @ yeet, when she returns, gygy", or "if my mother-in-law would see it - oh, she would eat."

It seems to me that both options were good in order to complement the sur picture that the mother-in-law observed. She just sat down on the ottoman in the hallway and stiffened, making some kind of muffled sound.

Well, here I am, gallantry itself - “Hello, Marnikolavna! And let's drink a glass of pussies with you (crossed out), don't bother me here! " :)

In general, I remember exactly that I was very happy about her. I also remember her eyes. Everything was said in them.

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22 Apr, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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