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Learning How to Be Me
Learning How to Be Me

Learning How to Be Me

1 Review

This all started in April of 2010, I was just eighteen years old and I made one of the worst decisions of my life. I had chosen to move out with someone who was seventeen years older than me which is okay age gaps aren't the issue it was my lack of using common sense. I barley knew this man but I said "the hell why not"? I was going through one of my bipolar states and three months later guess what we were married. In the very beginning I knew I should have left and gone back home but I didn't I stayed and he abused me mentally and emotionally. I never wanted that but I was pregnant and figured we needed to be a family and I simply couldn't break us apart.

The abuse got worse and I ended up getting a protection order then he manipulated me back in and I got pregnant yet again. We separated on and off for seven years then I decided enough was enough I moved away. I was in a hotel with now 3 kids because I met a man which I had gotten pregnant from on a date. With me dealing with all my mental illnesses for example bipolar, borderline personality, PTSD and anxitey that was extremely hard especially with no medication at the time. I was sitting in that hotel doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself and then my third childs father and I started talking again and we fell in love. He took care of me and made sure I took my medicine and did the right things for myself. I went from being suicidal to wow I belong here after all.

We got pregnant again and we got married finally because we had to wait for the divorce to be over. Now here is where the inspiration kicks in. For years all I was known for is being a mother I didn't work outside the home much I sat there just wondering what am I doing? Well the kids are older and I was on facebook and an add for beauty school came up and I looked through the site and said I love colored hair I want to try this out so I did. I got up off that sofa and became more than mom I became me. I am in school and I love doing hair it is passion along with being a mother and wife. I use to say to myself look at you you'll never be anyone, now I feel damn good because I am something more than mentally me. Just know that if I can do this so can you I know it's hard but we can all get there.

Author Notes: I am currently trying to write a book because there is more to my story than this I became mentally me when I was 8. I will continue to advocate for mental health, domestic violence and child abuse.

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1 Apr, 2020
Read Time
2 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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