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Legend of Hellington Oury- Chapter 6
Legend of Hellington Oury- Chapter 6

Legend of Hellington Oury- Chapter 6

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Chapter- 6

Bonds of love.

“Hey let’s all go out for pizza,” said Kelly to Alondra.
“You want to?”
“Yesss” moaned Kelly
“Oh ok”
“I’ll call Jason and Nate,” said Kelly.
Kelly called Jason and told to meet at the pizzeria. Jason agreed. As Kelly was talking to Jason, Alondra looked at Kelly very closely. Kelly spotted this and asked, “What?”
“Why are your cheeks pink?”
Kelly looked startled and said, stuttering “they’re like that”
“You are blushing, I wonder why?” asked Alondra, sarcastically.
“Alondra, stop it, you’re being stupid”
“Really? Am I now?”
“I’m going to get changed, said Alondra hurrying off.
Alondra smiled to herself. She called Nate to set up a little surprise for Kelly.
“Hey Nate,” she said when he picked up.
“Hey, sup?”
“You’re coming for pizza right?”
“Okay, listen up. What do you say we both back off so that Kelly and Jason can go out? Kelly’s been acting extra weird when Jason is mentioned” explained Alondra.
Nate laughed and said “that’s a huge coincidence. Jason acts pretty much the same way”
“Well then that’s settled, but let’s not tell them, okay?”
“Hah....of course”

“Why aren’t you changed?” asked Kelly as she came downstairs.
Alondra was in front of the TV with popcorn.
“Ugh……I don’t feel so good. You go”
“You were fine a minute ago”
“Kelly… Please, you go. But bring me a pizza box too.”
“fine.” Said Kelly. She put on her jacket muttering something about couch potatoes.
“Bye” sang Alondra
“It was fun hanging out… know…..just us,” said Kelly, smiling, even though the whole time it was awkward Kelly was glad she came.
Jason nodded and beamed.
As they walked back home, talking and both equally lost, they ended up lost. They entered a lonely passage. And when they realized where they were, they both looked up and scanned the surroundings and then they looked at each other, stunned alike. Jason walked a bit more a saw an opening. He directed Kelly towards it and she followed him in. soon enough they found themselves in a garage-like surrounding. Filled with racks of what looked like petrol, and lighters. They were staggered.
“Let’s go back the way we ca…….” she froze when she saw there wasn’t a door there.
They both jumped as the lights went out. She heard something brush by and caught hold of Jason’s elbow. He looked around and they both saw a door at the corner, slightly opened. The two of them turned back when they heard scrapping. Kelly got scared as she saw a pair of crimson red eyes glinting about five steps away from her. Jason hauled her and ran towards the exit. As they ran the red eyes vanished. Outside she heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the city lights again.
“Darn, my backpack” whispered Jason going back in
Kelly tried to stop him but he was already in, a yellow bulb hanging on the ceiling gave light now. Kelly watched as Jason took his bag and gave her a thumbs up indicating that it was fine.
The rack above him suddenly collapsed with Jason under it. Kelly gave a holler. Jason got up, rubbing his back while drenched in the liquid. As Kelly was about to enter and help him he nodded not to and tossed her his backpack.
“I’m coming,” he said.
Just then the yellow light bulb shined and went out revealing nothing but complete darkness. Kelly saw the eyes again.
“Jason” she yelled
She heard the faint lighting of a match and in a split of a second, the whole place was on fire. And then she saw Jason, but not the way she would have expected to a minute ago. Captured by the flames, his screaming echoed in her ears as the door slid closed.

Author Notes: I know I left a huge gap between the last chapter. had a writing block I guess. deepest apologies! kindly let me know what you think

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About This Story
24 Mar, 2020
Read Time
3 mins
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5.0 (1 review)

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