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Let Go

Let Go

By Sumeet1995

There it was watching me in a mocking way. I could not look away or even deny it because it was so beautiful that almost every human would die for it. Just like I did. I felt its cools chain in my hands as he handed it to me. I love him just like he does to me and I was so caught up in the moment that I never even know what had hit me from behind. It was fast and even he could not stop it because it was true that we both knew that it was going to come anyway. But, even death itself could not stop the fact that it was coming to get me. Loving him was a sin and everyone knew it, but I just loved him to much to let go. I knew that I should not have cared that much about him, but still I could not stop myself. Love to me was not like what it was in all story books; it was true and it had happened to me. Still as I was swallowed into the deep path of black robes, the only light that I saw that came to me was seeing him sacrifice himself and then I let go to be found in the world again with him. He left me and I left the world and soon we would meet again.

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About This Story
7 Jun, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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