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Like mother like daughter

Like mother like daughter

By Holliebug

They fell In love at age 15 married at 17 and kyle went into the marines at 18 not knowing Candice Was pregnant which was very dangerous because of her medical condition diabetes but 10x worse.She sat at the kitchen table knowing she had to tell Kyle.She later called him
Kyle:"hey sweetheart what's up?"
Candice:"Kyle I'm pregnant"
Kyle:"ok I'm coming home"
Candice:"No you can't do that stay and fight I'll be ok"
Kyle:call me whenever you can ok?"
Candice:"of course I have to go love you"
Kyle:love you too bye"
Candice then went to the doctor to find out how far along she was and precautions that should be taken.She found out she was 16 weeks pregnant due April 22 her and Kyles annervirsery.Candice had a ultrasound today to find out the sex of the baby then she would go to lunch and shopping with her mom.
Doctor:alright you ready to find out
Candice:of course!
Doctor:congrats it's a girl!!!
Candice:(crying) thank you doctor
She goes shopping and to lunch with her mom then calls Kyle to tell him the news but he's busy so she hangs up. Overall Candice's pregnancy is normal and healthy so Kyle can rest easy.
Kyle can come home in time for the birth of his baby girl.
Kyle gets home and suprises Candice with flowers it us their annervirsery after all.Later that night Candice goes into labor.
Kyle:push honey!
Candice:ahhh it hurts!
But then the crying of their baby can be heard.Kyle gets to cut the baby's cord.they name her Kylee.Candice and the baby are doing good so they are sent home.Kyle gets to spend a week with Kylee and Candice but then has to leave.Soon Kylee starts to crawl then walk and Kyle hasn't seen it one day shortly before Kylee's 2 birthday Kyle finally gets to come home but isn't telling Candice.Candice is standing in the kitchen making spaghetti when she starts to feel dizzy and lightheaded. She falls but starts to crawl to the phone. She dosent make it and collapses.2 Hours later Kyle walks in he only here's kylee crying.He runs to find Kylee while yelling for Candice.He looks over and finds Kylee sitting by Candice screaming.Later at the hospital Candice is in a coma with A ventilator breathing for her.Days go by with no sign of life after 2 weeks Kyle decides to let his honey go.they turn off the machine he holdes her hand and strokes her face Kylee runs in mommy noooo.Kyle goes home and calls her mom because he's soo upset he's shocked what her mom tells him she says "kyle Candice knew having a child would eventually kill her maybye not during pregnancy or birth but she knew she also knew she would be dead by 30-35 so she decided to give you a beautiful girl to remember her by" Kyle hangs up cries then holds his baby girl for the first time in two years

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About This Story
4 Feb, 2011
Read Time
2 mins
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