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Lines In My Skin
Lines In My Skin
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Lines In My Skin


I sit on the edge of the bathtub,

The razor in my hand.

I watch as I cut lines into my skin,

And the blood drips down my arm,

Into the water below.

I watch as the once clear water,

Turns bright red with my blood.

I close me eyes in relief,

The relief that the physical pain brings me.

It relieves me of my emotional pain,

Of the words other people say to me,

Of the words my own mind tells me.

I sigh,

It feels so good to be doing this.

But now it's been ten years,

And I can't seem to stop.

Everytime my mind is in pain,

I quickly reach for the razor I have hidden,

And cut more lines into my skin.

It's an addiction,

Which makes me an addict.

I can't be stopped,

No matter how hard me and other people try.

I have scars all over my body now,

And new cuts everyday.

I just can't stop.

It's a relief nothing else gives me.

Author Notes: You are never alone in this battle, there is always help for you.. <3


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About This Story
6 Oct, 2021
Read Time
<1 min
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