Lion Down
Matt DeckerA king
you say?
on this ground may
a crown be found
to lay?
Courage disputed.
My roar
Will this red
in which I lie
be the bed
on which I die?
I feel my strength
slipping away.
The predator
soon becomes prey.
The frequency
of this realm
has weakened me.
Oh this hertz!
Tho' the reign has fallen
to the earth
The Light is calling
for a rebirth.
In this wild
this lion's mane
is to do the main
I am awake
to what it takes.
The life of my pride
is at stake.
(( The low vibration
of this dire plane
forces migration
to a higher
terrain ))
The struggle isn't real.
The trouble lies in this
The beast will feast
on illusion.
I must overcome
the human.
©️ Matt Decker
Author Notes: The Lion's Main
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