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Local Man Driven to Insanity From Lack of Things to Do!
Local Man Driven to Insanity From Lack of Things to Do!

Local Man Driven to Insanity From Lack of Things to Do!

Aidanw0828Aidan Wheeler
1 Review

With the quarantine being extended yet another 2 weeks, local man, Micheal Raphone, just can’t do it anymore, he has just done everything there is to do! “It really is sad to see yet another great person pushed to insanity from the lack of things to do, it seems that the thousands of Netflix movies just aren’t cutting it anymore.” says Biff, Micheals neighbor. “I would think that with his surplus of Xbox games he would find some type of game to play, but those must have all gotten boring and left him with nothing to do.” It is being reported that this isn’t the only case of insanity due to lack of things to do, it seems that people all around the world are getting bored of their electronics!

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About The Author
Aidan Wheeler
About This Story
27 Apr, 2020
Read Time
<1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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