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Long Distance Relationship
Long Distance Relationship

Long Distance Relationship


He had prepped up the house in a frenzy, for his wife and their beautiful 4-month-old angel were to come from India soon. Due to his immediate joining requirement in the UK office he had missed the golden moment of his daughter's birth. So, it is very evident how desperate he was to come to India and take them with him. All the preparation were over, tickets had been booked, the mother and child here in Hyderabad had finished all the necessary tests and were waiting for the VISA interview.

All of a sudden, the news of COVID-19 outbreaks in India, and looking at the devastation it had caused all over, the Indian government imposed strict restrictions on In bound travel. And as the cases rose in India this was eventually completely banned and even India was locked down from within to flatten the curve. This has thrown their entire plan into jeopardy. Stranded and helpless they are , a father so dearly waiting to hold his most prized possession in his arms, a wife wanting to see her husband in person, a family waiting to be whole .

Innumerable video calls every day, watching his cute one grow a little every day through the 5 inch screen, seeing her giggle and shout as if asking her Daddy to come soon, makes the appalling situation even worse. Eyes glistening up, voices choking up on either side, yet holding on to a hope that the situation normalizes soon, and the family becomes complete. Corona on a global scenario has caused a health and economic catastrophe, but on an individual scale it is keeping loved ones apart from each other. Let's hope the deep wound to human health and emotions heals soon and we breathe a sigh of relief.

Author Notes: A story based on the truth around me.

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About This Story
3 Apr, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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