There's a girl who is lost
She's been lost for years
And though you can see her
She's hidden in fears
Fears that no matter who looks
No matter who tries
She will never be found
In her great web of lies
The girl who is lost,
She wants to be found
But who can find her
When she was lost to the sound?
The sound of her anger,
Her heartbreak and lies
The lies about love
And of beautiful eyes
She's lost to herself
In the pain of her heart
Tearing and tearing
Herself all apart.
Her doubts fill her mind
The place where she's bound
She screams at herself
"You will never be found!"
There's a girl who is lost
So she holds up a mirror
Searching and waiting
For a hint to appear—
For a warm spark of hope,
Like a print on the ground
So the girl who was lost
Can finally be found.
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