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Love and the Best Destiny of their life.

Love and the Best Destiny of their life.

By Unknown

John and Destiny was long time best friends. They could talk long time. And John loved Destiny long time ago. Destiny doesn't know.

They next day, John was walking to the street. He found a paper, a torn piece of paper. It says "Destiny, a cute girl." John got mad and torn the paper to pieces. He thought off Destiny she is Stuck-up.

He ran to her house. But her mother said she ain't there. He found her at the bench. Crying. She was crying. ON her small towel.

John can't resist. But he can't talk to her. She was too sad to tell him. John go near Destiny but Destiny was sad for many times. Crying.

"What happened?" he asks. Destiny give him the torn paper. They stick it in a tape. Then it reads:

"Destiny, a cute girl. Never exists. She is a fool.
She doesn't know her life.
Can a girl be like that?
What a foolish girl!
Like she cries.
She was a cry baby.
Fooling them.
Who would do like that?"

"Who the heck can everyone do this thing?" John yelled. But Destiny had answered. "It is right. I'm a fool. I never exist." Destiny ran home. Then John followed her. She is standing in front of the street. John had pushed her and hit by a truck. He rolled. "NOOOOOO!!!" Destiny yelled. She take John at the hospital. Then he was not breathing.

Funeral, Destiny yelled "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!"

Then the next day, Destiny had come to see where John was buried. She decided to kill herself. She ran on streets. Till she was hit by a car. And no longer breathing.

In heaven, Destiny was finding John. Tears fall on her eyes. But someone touched her shoulder. She looked back. She found him. She hugged him. Now he known Destiny even liked him. Even Destiny too.

Then that's the end of the story. But tomorrow, you could read a story.

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About This Story
13 Jul, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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