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Love in Tears
Love in Tears

Love in Tears


The heartbreak is unbearable

You sit in your room holding yourself

Knees on your chest

Your arms embrace them

You muffle your sobs with the bite of your shirt but only find that it only makes it worse

Your eyes are blurred by the tears

Your mind has clouds in it

You long to be there with them both

wishing you could somehow split into two and love them at once

That's impossible

You must choose one

That's how life works

they both promise a happy future, but only one will make you truly happy

Your flooded with the warm memories along with more tear

You love them but why do they make you feel this way?

Sometimes to love you must cry

Because it has to rain before the clouds clear out

Love in tears

Author Notes: I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. I didn't know people actually read my stuff ( even though this is only my second poem lol).

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About This Story
5 Jun, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
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