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Love provides happiness

Love provides happiness

By Bean

I used to be so outgoing, in 5th grade that changed. You see guys love outgoing girls its a trigger to them saying mm mm mm that girl is confident. I wasn't that girl. I sat at the back of the room never talked and when i did everybody said," She has a voice?", yeah i do and writing is my voice. Writing is my way to shine. Nobody saw that of course. I also love to sing but whats a good voice when you dont even use it. Its a waste i only sing when im alone thats the best time to sing right? Wrong i dont mean to brag but i can sing i may not be the best but im not the worst. It wasnt until this year in the 7th grade i became a little more outgoing but im still very shy. It took all my courage to say my name during roll. Now when i first got to 7th grade in pre algebra i immediately had a crush on this guy named richard and ooh was he fine i mean he doesnt have abs or pecs but he is adorable. i didnt talk to him till a month in school. now i dont want to get into this story too quickly so i'll name what i like about him just keep reading ;). Ok so what i like about richard is he's just so adorable, he has pretty eyes, he's sweet, he's goofy, but he's also romantic at times not alot though, and he doesnt care that i'm shy. Anyway now we'll get into the story so last week i found out my girlfriend was cheating on me. I was so angry because i actually loved her. After i found out she cheated on me i asked out Richard. Richard and I have been dating since last thursday so about 4 or 5 days. I was so happy when he said yes because i love him so so much. I guess that was all but wait the moral of this story even if your shy or weird or emo bi whatever you are you will always find someone who loves you. No matter how hard it is dont give up there are always more fish in the sea.

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About This Story
3 Dec, 2012
Read Time
1 min
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