Here comes the hedgehog small and round
Spiky but soft inside and out
His head goes up in the air finding berries for his daily snack
Crack ! , goes a twig the hedgehog lifts his tiny head
The hedgehog's eyes looks at a displeasing eye staring back
Crack! Crack! goes more twigs until a huge paw reveals something sharp
Regards towards the hedgehog, perhaps this shall be the end for him
Swipe ! goes the big paw..surely this is the end
Yelp ! goes the animal with the paw, he darts towards the brush
The hedgehog opens his delightful eyes relieved to be alive
He proceeds to get the berries that he wants and trots back towards his humble abode.
Therefore this is what the small and round hedgehog day to day is like.
Author Notes: Sorry~ if this is a little short , this is my first poem for this website, its supposed to rhyme but as you can see it doesn't.. sorry about that * flattens ears* hahaha hope you like it though !
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