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Loves Contrast Ch. 4
Loves Contrast Ch. 4

Loves Contrast Ch. 4

1 Review

I wake up the next morning, Liams arm wrapped around my waist, the other under his head. "Liam," I whisper. "Liammmmmm," I say after a few seconds, then poke him on his bicep. "Wake up," I say, and then a plan forms. I grab my phone, put a screaming ringtone on, and set it to in a minute. After a minute, it goes off and I cover my ears while he springs from the bed and looks around frantically. I hear footsteps and then my bedroom door is slammed open to reveal Alex and Adrian.

"What in the name of the Holy Lords is going on!?" Adrian exclaims, and goes to throw a punch at Liam.

"Yo, chill!" I yell and throw something at him.

"Why the hell is he in here?" He looks at me.

I search for a lie, "I had a nightmare last night," the lie flows smoothly, and I mentally pat myself on the back. Adrian looks at me as if he doesn't believe me, and then just backs away and leaves my room. Alex follows after, and then Liam looks at me with a grin. I gesture to the door, and he cocks an eyebrow. "I need to change?" I state it as a question, but he leave. I go to my closet and then go and look at my outfits. "Hmm, if the teacher wants to make me go to detention for inappropriate clothes.." I grab the red anime-looking mini-skirt, knee high cat stockings, and an emerald top-less crop top, and put them on. I brush my hair out, put red eyeliner and lime-green lip gloss on, and a necklace that was a Christmas gift from my mom, before she started drinking and doing drugs.

I look in the mirror, and you would think I was going to a Gala or something. I grab my bag, and venture into the kitchen. I open the fridge and squat so I can get the Greek Yogurt. I grab it and stand up, then go over and get a package of Ritz crackers then grab my phone. "I'm headed out, bro." I say and wave at him. He ignores me, but Liam stands up and just follows me. "Yes," I say finally.

"Yes, what?" He asks, clueless.

"Yes to the date." He catches up to me, and holds my hand. We started doing it over the past week, and we are used to the interaction. He doesn't say anything and neither do I. "Wanna see the best of the criminals best?" I ask him and look towards where there was a group of guys talking and walking down the street.


"Okay, stay here and watch how it's done," I walk towards the group, then move so I'm walking towards them. I run into one of them, and almost fall on my ass. In my fake-worried tone, I say, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I look up and he's staring at me.

"It's fine, need some help getting around?" Same question every guy asks me.

"Oh, no thanks! I'm headed to the college," I take the opportunity to swipe his wallet, which was in his front pocket.

"Oh, cool, me and my friends go there, need a ride?" He looks at me hopefully.

"Su- oh, dang, my friend just arrived," I pretend to be into the message Alex texted me the day before, then look in the direction of the park, and start to walk over to where Liam was standing. Once I get over there I turn him in the direction of the cafe, and pull the wallet from the waistband of my skirt and look through it. $90 and a gold card. I order a pumpkin spice latte and a poppy seed muffin. Liam orders a coffee and some toast and then we head down to the school.

We part ways, and I head to my first class--

Someone grabs me by the back of my shirt and am pulled into a room. A blindfold goes over my eyes and someone whispers, "Why'd you steal my money, love?" And fear strikes my veins.

I knew what was going to happen, and I was not going to be able to protect myself. "N-no," I say, and then feel someones hand on my thigh.

"Why not?" His voice says by my ear.

I huddle into the corner of the bathroom, and tears are streaming down my face. I fumble for my phone, then call Alex. He goes to voicemail, so I call Liam. He picks up on the second ring. "Naomi, you okay?"

"N-no.." I whisper.

"Naomi, whats wrong?"

"Come pick me up. I-I think I'm in one of the school bathrooms," I hear shuffling on the other end, then someone yelling distinctly.

"Stay on the phone, wait, no. I'll call back in a minute." He hangs up, and I'm left with silence. I count the seconds, and exactly one minute and thirty seconds he calls back. "Naomi, the EMT are on their way. I'm trying to find you," a second later the door opens to reveal Liam. He hangs up on the phone, and comes over to me. "Where's your shirt?" He asks and looks around.

"I-I don't know, I think they took it.." he envelopes me in his arms, but takes off his shirt and I pull it over me.

He pauses, and looks at me. "They? Naomi, did--did they all..." he cuts off.

"I thi-think so," Liam pulls his phone out and puts it on speaker

"Ugh, what's up, Liam? Naomi called me less than fifteen minutes ago," Alex says, and a sob escapes. "Naomi? Naomi, whats wrong?"

"Alex, meet us at the hospital. I'll explain later." Liam hangs up, and then picks me up, bridal style, and carries me out to the front of the school.

A ambulance is in the front, and there is a gurney and those people that check your vitals in the back and stuff. I look over and see a group looking at us and smirking, and, somehow, I know they were the ones that did it. I curl into Liam in fear. I see his lip curl, and then I fall unconscious

Liam's POV

Naomi passes out, so I let my rage roll through me. How dare they hurt her? She is so innnocent, she didn't deserve this. And to think they gang raped her. The rage rolls through me, and I have the urge to track these mother fuckers down and torture them until they beg for their death. I set her on the gurney, and then get in beside her. Fifteen minutes later we're at the hospital and they say I can't go back while they check on her and get her settled, and I have to sit in the waiting room. I go in there, and a minute later Alex and Adrian come barrling in. "What the hell happened to Naomi!?" Alex growls and looks at me.

"She was going to get some 'extra cash' and the group went to the school, and they.. they gang raped her.." I choke out the last word, and rage goes through me once again. Alex yells in frustration, and a few nurses poke their head out to see what was going on. He storms back outside, and Adrian follows after him, and then I'm left alone, just me and my thoughts.

She looked so... broken when I found her. She was curled up in a ball, only her sports bra covering her chest. She had a few nail marks on her arms, and it looked like someone had slapped her, too.

I have one promise to her that I will most definitly keep: I will murder the people who did this to her.

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About This Story
23 May, 2021
Read Time
6 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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