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A Maltreated Child Reviews

9 reviews have given an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 Stars
Lost-hope gave a rating of 5

It a very good story I love it abused is like venal a abused vebal hurts you in side will phiycal abused hurts you in the outside

Madison_Writes gave a rating of 5

Oh my gosh, I can so relate to this. It is very hard and unfair to have a parent (in my case my mother) hate their child with all their might. Hopefully these awful, venom filled words help me become stronger someday, because if they don't they will end up killing me.

My mom is the same way and I can hardly stand her, but some people just are.
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-- The Huntress --
-- The Huntress -- My mom and dad would carelessly toss around mean comments about how I look and the way I do things. I try to not let it get to me at times, but at times it was just too much to bear. But I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Millieywqq gave a rating of 5

Written beautifully. I'm actually kinda speechless (in a good way about your writing)

TheForgotten Thank you, I'm glad to hear that.
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