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Maybe This Is Love
Maybe This Is Love

Maybe This Is Love


Maybe love is not what we think love is

Maybe love is more than a four letter word, maybe its five or even a seven letter word

Maybe love is nowhere and everywhere at the same time

Maybe I'm scared of love, maybe everyone is because no one can tell what the other thinks

Maybe they never loved you

Maybe you think they didn't but maybe they did maybe their love just had a different meaning

And maybe I should love the things I don't love

Because the things i don't love are so small

They've said "you should love the small things."

Maybe the words shouldn't stop at 'I love you'

Because somtimes it isn't enough

What if it's "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. Sorry I couldn't love you enough but it's not your fault its mine." or "Thank you for staying, for loving me, for everything." and maybe even "I want to be in your life for as long as I am standing, to be loved by you for as long as the sun shines and as long as the moon looks after her children because I am more than in love with you, you are home to me."

Maybe for once love means nothing

Except for when the waves whisper it in your ear and the winds wrap you in the warmth of their embrace

Because a boy will say he loves you when he does not and you know it too

But your gullible and naive so you believe him anyway

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About This Story
15 Dec, 2019
Read Time
1 min
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