I am a 16 year old boy who is so emotionally recked that I cry more than I smile I think about death and killing myself on an everyday bases and it's all because of what I have to deal with I am in high school and I may be one of the only people that wants to feel love from a relationship not sex or anything stupid but I can't openly admit this because if I do I will be judged and made fun because of it because I want to keep my virginity until the time is right and the one girl I was amazed by absoultey perfect for me doesn't Want me I finally got the courage to tell he how I feel and she tells me it's not me that she likes someone else as if life is out to kill me I swear fate looks at me it says how to fuck with this kid even more to make him hate living even more I just want to be loved and to love is the really to much to ask for?
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