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Mind Wars: A continuing Saga

Mind Wars: A continuing Saga

By KeithLankford

Mind Wars
Mind War wrote in 2017-2018: Just Another Target

I sat at my computer, staring aimless at what I had wrote. I had little strength to go on. No where else to go I thought as all had been taken from me.

Lost in my thoughts I drifted. I would often think back to before the terror attacks had begun on our own citizens. Wondering if it was all worth it. It looked as if it might be hard to say that it was, to the laymen, only because nobody understood. One thing for sure I thought, they can take from me my family, they can take from me my belongings, they can slander my name, destroy my career, but as we all know, they can never take our Faith, or our Love for GOD who gave us all this life.

Sure, this is how the American government has always operated, I did realize this. MK-ULTRA, MONARCH, etc, it was always here. It was not Always on my MInd though.

I leaned back in the chair, Willies voice breaking the silence
My eyes teared, none dropped, they seldom did. One can only cry so much, and if you plan to be the last one standing, you might want to learn not to cry, for you will be standing


I no longer knew what to do. I had been studying this for years, harrp, cern, frequency, brainwaves. It was black and white.

By the time I had figured out their plans it was too late. They had been watching for so long, I couldn’t even remember at this point, but the latest attack had ended only days before. It usually took a few days for my head to clear. No cell phones, no computer, certainly no 5g.

I just wanted to let others know what was coming to us all, yet there was no way left World to transfer information such as this, they had taken complete control of all information. Any online warnings quickly deleted. Online accounts manipulated, deleted. Cell phone communication censored long since a dream of the past in America. Everone knew yet no body cared.


Thats what it was I thought to myself, blind trust in a government ran by criminals, their crimes so large now, that the extermination of the American people was the only way to save them selves from sure death, or at least a lifetime in Jail, soon to be followed by a lifetime in Hell.

Really no other way to look at it, our government, our very Country and Culture, has been given to Satan. Our leaders were satanic and they ruled by a age old covenant, one soon to be
And left in the books of time
Which will contain truth

I have not been able to remember dreams since I was eighteen, But I would always remember these years.

This was a night mare

As I had said to so many
In the years that preceded
There were so many
In my death
I ask nothing else
And I ask this of you
For I have been stripped of my wealth
As you lay my A$$ deep in the ground
Upon the Tombstone my friend that you have found
The words I

Denver International Airport


They came in the night
While America was sleeping
They raped her they beat her
They left her weeping

They targeted tortured
Murdered and maimed
Pretending to lead
Elected they came

Their claws sunk deep
Ripping flesh from bone
America no more
No longer home

They lied they cheated
They made their own bed
New laws created
They ripped off her head

Decapitated leaders
The Terrorist roam
Now in each theatre
America their home

Criminals they plot
They stand so strong
American politicians
Cowards doing wrong

Sitting in their prisons
Of gold silver ware
Blood on their hands
The terrorist are here

America prostituted
Our virgin land
Stripped down
Taken in the night
Sold for greed
Left for dead
America no more

Shaking she sits
Tears rolling slowly
She is oblivious
She is numb
She is enslaved

Greed power
Laughing in the night
Lies tower
Above all in sight
Rapist running
Year after year
Elected cunning
They bring to us fear

I awoke late
Not real happy
Wasted days lost to sleep

I was cold
It was late
My hands screamed at me
I wrapped them in an old shirt
Already a rag
It almost seemed planned
Ha Ha
I gathered my belongings
I knew they would be not far behind

They know all
They are all
all are they
They are all
All they are
All they know

I knew my fate
Was it worth it
I knew this not
If stealing her dead body
Her cold dead body
Her desecrated body
Was not enough
I had stolen her values too

Knowing they had no values left
I knew the worth of these
They could not print enough money
These could not be bought
As a cheap harlot in the night
As the love they had found
So the price was high
The price was my life
I scoffed

They had stolen everything else from the few of us that remained.
They had taken it piece by piece
ever slowly
over time

A piece never missed
They will never know
I assure you of this
This I tell you so
A piece long stolen
Now it is mine
And you know they took it
One piece at a time

Buried Quickly lying still
Buried quickly nothing willed
Buried when there was nothing
Left of the beauty that once was


My feet blistered, now not much better then my hands. I rolled the words from the note through my head

over and over
They slowly sank in
Over and over
It would soon begin
Over and over
They slowly sank in

I stuck note in my jacket pocket, fastening the button without thought. As I did I pulled the hair i saw from my shirt underneath.
Slowly it pulled free, I had stopped in my tracks, the loss hitting me fully. I held the long blond hair and stared. I shook myself to reality, placed it in my pocket

My pack pocket

I walked till I could walk no more
Not bothering to make a bed of grass
Old sheet now gone
I lay in the mossy forest and slept

The high pitched frequency had started again
Steve shook his head, holding it in his hands
He looked down at his wife, reaching with his hand just to touch her as she slept, careful not to awaken her.
This new attack had sapped so much strength.

Looking out the crack in the blinds he saw the F.P.
making their rounds, drones above them, he quickly made his way back to his bed.

Laying motionlessly, he tried to remain calm, closing his eyes he feigned sleep. He had awoken at three to the sirens but could not fall back asleep even after taken his evening pills. Fingers trembling, he clasped his hands together focusing on the humming sound of the fan, this is all they would hear from him. He blocked what they had done to his son as a tear ran from his eye. Slowly, he drifted into a light sleep.

Dazed he awoke sweat running down his cheek. Wiping it away his hand came back red with blood sticky and thick, he slowly opened his eyes again, knowing the truth before he had the nerve to turn his head. The bed lay empty where his wife had slept, the used syringe lay on the bed next to her pillow, the needle fresh with blood.

He sat up and saw her naked body in the chair, white drained of blood, darkness.

Bound he awoke, his head fresh with blood, it was is own. The truck rattled as it sped down the dirt road, he could see little but that was enough. The bodies stacked like logs along with the body parts, the living, the dead, The soon to be living dead.

A flower falls into the Grave we have dug
Looking down my eyes heavy
Tears run freely
They too fall

As it lands on the coffin below
Its petals crashing into the darkened wood
Reaching out in one last gasp
Before falling fully
Lying still
A breeze lifts it one last time as
The first shovel full of dirt drops
The first of many

I watch sullen
The grave now full
I kneel and place a flower
Remembering all the dreams
All the beauty
That she once had embodied
Not thinking I stand
I turn and walk away
Leaving behind a promise
Broken and dead



Walking aimlessly I turn the cigarette in my fingers
Remembering it was there
I light it
I glance over my shoulder looking at the monument
The grave
The monument built by her murderers
The grave dug by us
Both a grim reminder to all
She lay in a sea of graves
She was but one of many
Many unmarked
Others they had built shrines
A long burning flame still burned in the distance
Just another grim reminder
I pick up my speed
The trail ahead was long for me
gazing ahead at the falling sun
The green fields stretched seemingly forever
The grass flowing in waves as the wind gently brushed against it
This land was my land
I was no longer wanted here
But it would remain mine
That they had made clear
It was beautiful
Unseen by many
I used to lay in the grass
Just taking in the sun
Listening to the sounds of the day
I would lie here again
They had made this too clear
My cigarette long since burned away
I roll it in my fingers
Place it in my pocket
My back pocket
I look for a place to sleep for the night
The trees in the distance are as safe as any


As i awoke the next morning
I lay still listening to the birds in the trees
The memory of the previous day hung in my head
I grab my back pack and open it
I have a few rations left
I eat the first one I find
It matters not
They all taste equally bad

As I eat I decide I can take this no more
Not Knowing what to do next
I glance down at the open pack
There staring back at me was my army shovel
I knew what I had to do

It rained all day
As the light fell from the sky
I exited the forest
I headed back cautiously

It was a long hike
As I approached the night grew cold
The shadows danced in the cemetary
There was no one present at this late hour
There was a presence though
Always near
Ever near it felt
Ever near and ever close

I shook this from my head
I must make haste
It was going to be a long night

The shovel dug easily into the fresh dirt
Hour past after hour
As the dawn light approached
The shovel hit the coffin lid
It was loud in the night
I picked up my pace

Brushing the last of the dirt away
I found a spot with a little leverage
It shouldn’t take to much force I thought
It was just a casket made of plywood scraps
I pushed down hard
The nails screamed out as they were torn loose from their grips
Loosened I grabbed the top of the coffin
I pulled up with all my strength
And at once it gave way

I reached down and gently pulled her to me
It took some effort to hoist her out of her grave
As I heaved her to the ground above
Her arm caught the side of the grave
Her hand brushing my face
I was startled the night was getting to me
I crawled out of the grave out of breath
I sat
Soon I smoked
I was weak from lack of food
So I had to throw her over my shoulders
I left quickly wanting to reach the safety of the forest
My crime would be discovered soon
I closed my eyes
Forcing one foot in front of the other

III a ‘The Great Wave’

He got to work at dawn. It was a cold crisp morning, he stood watching the northern lights racing back and forth across the sky above. He entered the building careful to look straight ahead, it was his fifth day on this job and he wanted to get it done and head home. The government agents watched him work.

The hours passed slowly

His day done as the darkness showed
He made his way to his truck not turning his head
He drove threw the gate after being searched
As he drove away he glanced at the antennas behind him

It was hot and humid, he sat at his home in Texas and looked out his window as the clouds rolled in. They were black and ominous. He laughed drinking his wine.

Picking up his phone he made the call. It was done. He grabbed his briefcase and headed for the airport. As he sat waiting for his pilot, he heard the first clasp of thunder. He leaned back in the recliner and watched the mindless programming that they were running on the T.V., well he stared at the box thinking about the unfolding plan.

It was 11:45, they sat outside his house in the village. They waited. They had the lock keyed so entry would be easy. The minutes ticked by. At 11:57 they quietly crept from the truck, the village long asleep. They open the door, Don waited watching.
Jeff walked back to the bedroom as if it was his own.

This was no game and he played to win.
He knew this layout as well as his own, he quietly turned the knob and entered the bedroom. Brad lay snoring, Jeff stuck the gun into the pillow he found on the floor, standing back he lowered the gun and slowly pulled the trigger. The sound barely heard in the night.

As they drove away he cleaned his gun and silencer. Lighting up a smoke they returned to their bunker. Time to clean up.

III B The meeting

It was late, almost three in the morning. The limos rolled in one by one. The dark men in their suits seemed invisible against the night.
The drivers parked the limos and waited.

The clock ticked slowly
At the stroke of three, the doors were locked, the blinds were drawn. Men posted outside fearlessly guarded the night. Guns close at hand.

They assembled themselves at the long table, powerful men knowledgeable in their ways. They looked at each other with knowing
They all played their part. It would be unwise not to. This they new well. Who they could trust they never knew, they relied on a age old covenant, very strong and powerful, yet very wicked and evil. It had its reach of power which had stretched over our Earthly ages.

It was The Covenant
But it could be broken

Smoke slowly filled the room, the meeting lasted till the early hours of the morning. Sombrely they left one by one, cautiously watching each other for any sign of what they so feared. This was not a meeting of money, this was a meeting of fear. As the last of the limos pulled away they sat at the table, dark hollow eyes, their skin given way to the war of time, their breath shallow.

They went to the basement room and darkened the lights, the candles lit the room. The chants filled the night, echoing through the ancient halls. they would not leave the room for some time. When they did they slept

As if taken by the sleep of death
They would awaken vital and strong
But we know their sleep will be long


I reached the spot I had camped the night before
Exhausted I sat, rolling up the last of my tobacco
Looking at my blistered hands I exhaled and got up

I had laid her beside me on the ground
Laying out what clothing I had under her
I brushed a fallen leaf from her dress and got up

I started digging by the tree
It took much longer then the freshly dug grave I had robbed.
The shovel fought the roots, luckily I had the knife to help chew my way threw
My bloodied hands ached

There was nothing more I could do
I had laid her on my sheet
Brushed her hair back
Even in death she was beautiful
I pulled my hand from her arm
I wrapped her in the sheet
Standing in the grave I had dug
I lifted her and laid her down

I patted down the last of the soil, as I spread out the leaves and branches I had gathered I felt some satisfaction, hopefully here she could rest in peace, not being just a memorial to the ones who had murdered her.
I grabbed my pack, checking it for the note I had found clutched in her dead hand.

I walked all night.


I awoke to the feeling of cold metal pressing against my forehead.
I lay completely still, slowly opening my eyes


I came to again, this time when I opened me eyes nothing but darkness. My body ached from the cold concrete, My clothes had been stripped from me, i pushed myself into a sitting position and sat thinking. Had they found the pack? I know they hadn’t found the values I had unburied, I had hidden these well. The pack should be safe I thought.

I mustered up enough strength to get on my feet and edged around the dark concrete cage I found myself in. It was about three by six, no toilet, no bed, nothing. This was not looking good for me.

I sat thinking over my predicament. I knew what I was in for, not sure which of these rouge agencies had caught me, but we all know what happens, I guess I will have to find my quiet calm place, for they will never take from me what I hold true.

Well, I understood fully the pain and torture that I would be subjected to, these were cold, callous killers. They neither cared for life or love. The joy they find is in the screams of the people they torture.

This is America
Yet I am still free
And yes
It was still worth it


I could hear the footsteps in the hallway, then the key as it slid into the lock. The door opened and I was blinded by the light, the club struck with force.

I awoke with a spash of water to my face, I felt almost drugged, I was hanging by my tied hands, gently swinging. Blindfolded now, I saw only darkness.

A low voice echoed, hello Keith, been wanting to meet

He Laughed

You have a few things of ours

A fist hit my face

Where are our values


Where is her body

The fist hit hard again

I spat at him

I didn’t say a word. No use talking, the outcome would be the same either way. This has been going on for years. There was no use talking to these people. If they couldn’t understand simple things, like Americans not wanting all their all electronic communication watched by these many agencies, the endless propaganda, the police state that had formed leading to the hell we as a people endured now.

Hell, I had wrote about it years before.

If we as a people allow our government to torture other people
No matter what name we use to identify this person
They are still people
The methods used abroad will be brought upon the people that would allow this to happen
For they have empowered Criminals by any law of any land
These crimes will haunt them

When they had first imposed martial law the people were unaware, then shots filled the night as dissidents, artist, poets, singers, anyone with a voice, anyone with a opinion, was murdered.

Anyone with a voice

Anyone with a opinion

Murdered in the night



Another hit to the face

I slipped into darkness


I awoke with a spash of water to my face, I felt almost drugged, I was hanging by my tied hands, gently swinging. Blindfolded now, I saw only darkness.

A low voice echoed, hello Keith, been wanting to meet

He Laughed

You have a few things of ours

A fist hit my face

Where are our values


Where is her body

The fist hit hard again

I spat at him

I didn’t say a word. No use talking, the outcome would be the same either way. This has been going on for years. There was no use talking to these people. If they couldn’t understand simple things, like Americans not wanting all their all electronic communication watched by these many agencies, the endless propaganda, the police state that had formed leading to the hell we as a people endured now.

Hell, I had wrote about it years before.

If we as a people allow our government to torture other people
No matter what name we use to identify this person
They are still people
The methods used abroad will be brought upon the people that would allow this to happen
For they have empowered Criminals by any law of any land
These crimes will haunt them

When they had first imposed martial law the people were unaware, then shots filled the night as dissidents, artist, poets, singers, anyone with a voice, anyone with a opinion, was murdered.

Anyone with a voice

Anyone with a opinion

Murdered in the night



Another hit to the face

I slipped into darkness

Walking aimlessly I turn the cigarette in my fingers
Remembering it was there
I light it
I glance over my shoulder looking at the monument
The grave
The monument built by her murderers
The grave dug by us
Both a grim reminder to all
She lay in a sea of graves
She was but one of many
Many unmarked
Others they had built shrines
A long burning flame still burned in the distance
Just another grim reminder
I pick up my speed
The trail ahead was long for me
gazing ahead at the falling sun
The green fields stretched seemingly forever
The grass flowing in waves as the wind gently brushed against it
This land was my land
I was no longer wanted here
But it would remain mine
That they had made clear
It was beautiful
Unseen by many
I used to lay in the grass
Just taking in the sun
Listening to the sounds of the day
I would lie here again
They had made this too clear
My cigarette long since burned away
I roll it in my fingers
Place it in my pocket
My back pocket
I look for a place to sleep for the night
The trees in the distance are as safe as any

The Purge
I slept through it all. The first all out assault was launched by the American government.

I had tried to warn them
We all had

It had been going on before America was taken from the Indians, before the last armies of ancient Rome fell.

Its Foundation Cracked
Rome Fell
Crumbling into the Earth

It was always here

Everyone knew, but no one was willing to say it. We all knew so many of the musical greats were stolen from us, killed by our government, the constant targeting, surveillance, the stories whispered, for it was unwise to speak aloud.

Soon our very thoughts would not be our own

The sheer torturing of John Lennon by the FBI is proof of this never ending crime. When would it ever end

Not tonight
Not Tomorrow
This was the new Beginning
The beginning of the end

I was in a village when it began, having escaped months before the attacks. When we heard about it we headed across the tundra.

We had sat up the night before in a hut dug into the hill. It was unbelievable, the message we received had said that it had happened world wide. It was a world wide coordinated attack on the people of this Earth by their Elite governments. Supposedly actors, musicians, at least one politician had died. We had been watching helpless almost, all communication long ago hacked, it was hard to warn people. When we did find a avenue to voice this knowledge, The information quickly was deleted, manipulated, stolen, or blocked as was the case so long ago.

The Internet had became controlled by the corporations that ran our government years before. This was not a place to go. We hadn’t used it in years so it hadn’t mattered to us when they pulled the plug. We had copied information for years prior and it was safe.

We knew they were firing up the grid soon, taking down the internet and firing up the grid

This would give them the perfect opportunity, when they turned it back on it would be to late, the people would be enslaved. All those that didn’t know.

It was just another distraction right before the attack
Just another false flag, our government had learned something from the nazis, I’ll give em that!

We had packed up plenty of food, the blubber went a long way and was very nutritious. It felt rubbery in my mouth, I chewed slowly and swallowed. Not bad.

Better then what many Americans would be eating soon,
The food transports too would be cut we were told.

Little food soon for the dying

Much soon for the criminals

For They Would Eat Clay

The rain dripped through the trees hitting my face, waking me again. This time I stirred. I sat up and pulled the torn shirt from my hands. Wishing I had a smoke I grabbed my pack and started to walk, rations almost gone, I skipped breakfast.

As I walked I thought back to years before, when I had a home, a life, a family. It was so hard to tell when it began. I guess I pissed off so many people I just couldn’t figure out which one it was. Lucky for me I thought. With so many agencies trying to kill me, they could not accomplish this without their enemies seeing it.

They were all watching


Well, I thought cynically. Their job was done long ago. I thought back to all the attacks, the mind rapes, the assaults, the torture. I thought back to the time it had bothered me to have my home broken into, the drugging s, the poisonings, my work stolen, my writings, notebooks and notebooks of my writings.


I think back to a time I used care, it takes time. Leaving behind the thoughts of my home being stolen, my own government terrorizing me. I come back to the present, the trail was muddy, my feet still sore. The government trying to kill me, trying to take back the values they buried long before I dug them up.

Trying to take back the values they buried long ago
Only to rebury them
They have lots of land

The day dragged on, I don’t have a chance in hell I think to myself then smile, knowing their only chance is hell. I think about the words written in the note, the trees were growing thicker and the trail narrower, I could smell the water from the stream ahead.

I was on a trail less travelled

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ____

They watched from the base. The last of the politicians had filed out. They would be tracked. Computer screens lit the room, fingers typed rapidly.

Guns holstered, serious they worked hour after hour as men filed in and out of the room, they were given their orders after being taken to the safe room. Looking up from his screen he glanced at the wall monitor, all seemed well.

The control room was warm, the air filled with almost an electrical smell. He got up and headed for the bathroom, nervously he quickly pulled the vial from his pocket, he tapped the powder onto the corner of his military ID and brought it to his nose, one more should do he thought. He felt the water run down his throat, burning, the last of the water dripped into the sink. He threw the paper towel in the basket and left the room.

Nobody had noticed it seemed, he sat at his computer and stared at the grave on the screen. They were well aware of who had done this. Of Course. Their was very little they did not know.

Who the hell would have thought. He just sat staring in disbelief. They had called off the hit. The Dr. that performed the autopsy had been called in, it wasn’t his fault, he had no experience. He was a paper pusher, much like we all were. That was one paper the he apparently didn’t want to push or pull. He hit the screen with his mouse, slowed down the video. It could clearly be seen as he hoisted the body from the grave, her arm had caught on the side, slapping up against the side of his face he startled, but then as he lay the body on the ground, he reached down and pried the fingers loose

One by one

Without even prying the pinky completely loose, he pulled the note from her hand. The tears ran silently down his face hitting the Earth below. He sat on the dirt catching his breath. When he was able he reached in his pocket and put a rolled cigarette to his lips. As he finished he thru the last of it into the grave, he spit into it as well before looping the pack on his shoulder. Crouching down he lifted the body before hoisting it onto his shoulders. Stan watched him walk into the dawning light

He hit the loop button and adjusted the light

Many years passed as if dreams were now reality-or Night Mare’s.

I awoke.

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About This Story
19 Nov, 2021
Read Time
25 mins
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