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Missing Information
Missing Information

Missing Information

1 Review

I'm struggling with missing information
Without knowledge i cannot advance
How can I make a decision?
Must i just leave it to chance?

I must now pick an option,
without knowing if the result is tragedy or fortune
This uncertainty is all I've ever known
Who am I to lead a life, if even just my own?

I'm basing decisions on missing information
How can I judge what I can't even fathom?
So many paths with unknown destinations
Must I just pick one at random?

Where was my shepherd, my guide?
I have no one in whom to confide
We're thrown into the world unprepared
It's like no one even cared

I've lost myself in missing information
How was i supposed to know what to do?
This hell is my own creation
There's nothing left for me to pursue

I wish I had known what I know now
I got to choose happiness, but i didn't know how
and now it's too late, I'm far too flawed
I can't break free of this facade

I can't do it, I'm missing information
I'll be stuck forever in this spot
This lack of knowledge is my damnation
Life goes on, but I cannot.

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About This Story
11 Jun, 2020
Read Time
1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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