Mom...Dont Go
By ammobaby123
Daughtor: MOM... i get it I should be thankful for things
Mom: Well its not right to tell every one at the table "life should drown and you couldnt wait for everyone to die!!"
Daughtor: SCREW YOU MOM..... i Dont neeeedddd this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Slames Door*
*Mom Crys*
*Mom walks to window*
*She sees a truck coming*
Daughtor: BYE mom i dont need life i dont need you i dont need thanks giving........I DONT NEED THIS.
Mom; * RUNS out the door*
DAughtor: *runs to road and opens her arms saying im ready *
Mom: *Runs in the road and pushes her leaving her self in the middle of the road*
BEEEEEPPP........ SCREEETTTCHHHHH........ CRASH.... Daughtor: I HATE YOU WORLD .......IM SO SORRY MOM I LOVVVVEEEE YOU .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_________________________________________________________________________________________
If your a kid you should always apprecate things in life and remeber people do care wether its people u know are people you dont ...
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