herculesOne cold Winter’s day, a hunter entered a forest, rifle in hand.
Newly fallen snow had fallen everywhere.
Wild animals fled, but they were in no danger. The hunter, who was afraid for some reason, was not after them.
After a while, the hunter came across a set of animal tracks going off in another direction. The tracks didn’t belong to a deer, or any other familiar creature. They were larger and looked more bird-like. The strange thing was, the inner toe marks were much shorter.
The sight of them filled the hunter with more fear. He followed the tracks for some distance, until he reached a hollow.
Within the hollow, there was monster.
A bird-like reptile, as tall as a man, feeding brutally off a half-grown stag.
The reptile was dark blue with a long tail, large, ferocious jaws, luminous, orange eyes, arms ending in gripping claws and a hooked claw on the inner toe each foot.
It was a Velociraptor.
The terrified hunter crouched down in front of some bushes and pointed his gun at the Raptor.
He was just about to pull the trigger, when the monster looked up and gazed right at him.
The petrified hunter waited for the monster to attack, but it didn’t. Why that was, he knew not.
Then something else happened.
A spine-chilling, fiendish shriek sounded from the bushes.
The panic-stricken hunter turned round and saw another pair of luminous eyes, staring from the darkness of the bushes.
It was then that he realized his very worst fears.
A second Raptor was watching him.
He aimed his gun to fire, but it was too late.
The monster emitted a hideous roar and pounced.
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