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Moods- Part 12
Moods- Part 12

Moods- Part 12

1 Review

Sage's pov.

Not being able to sleep at the hospital has been wearing me down, but I need to make sure nothing bad happens to Zeke or Finn. I also have to take care of my brothers, and keep up with my school work. My teachers have been sending me assignments to do instead of me going to class, so I can stay at the hospital for longer. Of course I also have a job I have to work at, and my 11 year old twin brothers to care for.

Marcus and Matthew. I love my brothers, I make them meals and take them to school since our parents are always too busy with work to take care of them. They may only be 11, but they are the smartest 11 year olds I know. We take the hardest classes and have multiple extracurricular activities.

They both have light brown hair like our dad, while I have dark blonde hair like our mom. We all have hazel eyes though. The twins look almost exactly alike, the only difference being the way they style their hair. Marcus has his hair cut just above his eyes, but Matthew has a fade haircut. If they had the same haircut then you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference unless you knew them.

They both always get into trouble, but Marcus is more reckless than Matthew. He would do something crazy without even thinking about the consequences. But that makes him less trouble than his brother. Matthew always carefully calculated his plans, he made sure nothing would go wrong and he wouldn’t get caught. Put his planning skills with Marcus’s action, and you get chaos. But I still wouldn’t trade them for anyone else.

They also have powers. Marcus can make electricity and use it for whatever he wants, like fixing or breaking electronic things, or shocking people. Matthew can make clones of himself, which is pretty useful for multitasking.

Mom and dad want the best for us. I know that they have high expectations and want us to exceed them. Our parents push us beyond our limits, expecting us to become even more successful than they are. They are both CEOs of big companies, so money has never been a problem for them. But it's not like they spoil us, they make us work for everything.

I know I should prioritize eating and sleeping first, but I could care less about my mental and physical health. There’s not enough hours in a day to spare more than 3 for sleep. I only eat quick snacks now that I also have to visit Zeke and Finn.

I really hope Zeke wakes up soon. Not just for my sake, but for Finn and Leon’s too.

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About This Story
14 Feb, 2022
Read Time
2 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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