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Moods- Part 4
Moods- Part 4

Moods- Part 4

2 Reviews

Ezekial's pov.

I stare at Ailee, amazed at how she just exploited her secret like it was nothing. She stares back with an aggravating smile. I realise how confused I must look and quickly compose myself. I stand up straight, close my mouth, and put on a bored face.

"You shouldn't just blurt that out to some stranger." I tell her. She tilts her head to the side in confusion.

"But.." She stutters, "But you also have an.. ability." She finishes slowly.

"I know." I say, "However, choosing to tell me that in a school full of people without abilites wasn't the smartest decision."

"Oh, right." Ailee says looking down. "Well it's not like anyone was near us." She exclaims smiling again.

"Whatever," I say exhausted from talking to her. "Just be more careful next time. Now let's go." I turn and start walking to class.

"But-" She stammers. I cut her off

"No buts." I state.

Ailee hesitates, reluctantly she follows me down the hall. When we get to class I open the door for her. As she passes by I whisper into her ear.

"We can talk about it later." I say softly so only she can hear. She stops walking. Then she continues walking in, happily introduces herself, finds an empty seat and sits down. I go to mine and sit too. Once we are both seated Mr. Truman goes back to teaching class.

Author Notes: Sorry it took a while.

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About This Story
21 May, 2021
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (2 reviews)

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