:) My... *COUGH* First Love.
‘Quiet!’ I whispered urgently at my stupid boyfriend as he made silly loud noises.
I had no idea what I was doing with him.
Standing outside his ex’s, is what we were doing. He was giggling like a complete idiot.
As usual.
Fair enough, though, that was the reason I loved him so bad, his laugh. But anyway, outside his ex’s home.
‘Explain to me why we are here again, Connor.’ I said, menacingly.
He grinned at me, with his shiny, pearl-white teeth. His smile is to die for, honestly. You just need to be there.
‘She is a bitch. That’s why.’ He explained, naturally. He hated her, he really did.
There was no real reason, actually. We were bored teenagers, hiding behind a bush in the road like actual retards. As if she was going to come out anyway.
Connor was making stupid, loud, deafening noises, but, I knew she wouldn’t come out for nothing.
Ironically, at this point, she came out.
F***. My. Life.
‘CONNOR YOU RETARD!’ she yelled horribly embarrassingly. ‘WHY ARE YOU AND YOUR NEW SLUT HERE?’
Bitch. I’m everything but anything assosiated with the word ‘slut’.
She’s stupid.
She doesn’t know whats coming to –
‘WELL, ANYWAY, IM PREGNANT CONNOR!’ she roared, mentally, clutching her thin stomach. Me and Connor stared at eachother, wordlessly.
‘COME OUT ALREADY, CONNOR, YOU DICK! IT’S YOUR BABY!’ she shrieked. Neighbour’s lights were, at this point, switching on in sync.
Connor stood up, gobsmacked.
Then I had to. Damn. Wrong choice.
She saw me and screamed so loudly, she almost fainted.
She could say what she liked, Connor loved me, and I loved him.
I don’t know why we had come here to waste our time anyway…
Connor left me.
He walked over to her, calmed her down and walked in. Obviously, not instantly. It dragged, right before my eyes. He didn’t even wave me goodbye.
At that point, I knew it was over.
I was so wrong to like a twat like him.
:) What'dya think?
Rubbish, eh, i didn't even plan it!! XD
Thank you loads for reading it.
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