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My Coach is my dad

My Coach is my dad

By lillith123

I started skating when i was very young, but my parents were different then others. My dad loved to skate. He played hockey all the time with my cousin. He told me the only way to learn to skate is to fail and try again and again. That day he took my to the rink. He tied up my skates. Then looked at me. He untied them and taught me how to tie them up. We sat there for about 5 minutes tieing my skates but i got it. When i stepped onto the ice i saw all the other kids with those skate helpers. My dad took my hand and helped me. I was not aloud to use one of those. By the end of the day i had learned to skate. That day, i started skating.

I'm finally in Figure skating and i have many friends. My coaches are the best but my dad will always be #1. Every time i sit in the dressing room getting my skates on i see him sitting in front of me showing me the X shape it should be. I stand up my dress by my side. My hair up high. I step onto the ice and go to place. "Show them the star you are" i hear my dad say. He can never come because of work.My mom is there in the stands crying and my sister is cheering me on. I'm always nervous, but i hear my dad saying pretend no ones there. My best friend is sitting there too. He looks at me and smiles. My music starts and i'm gliding everywhere.

At the end everyone comes on the ice. We all say who we'd like to thank. I look into the crowd, Looking around. I see a face, My coach, i look at the microphone and Softly say with tears. My coach. I love you dad!

I get back to the dressing room everyone's there Even dad. I run to him and give him a hug. He looks at me and says "Skate for the girl who tied her skates by herself the day she learned to skate by herself. Skate for her."

My dad is my best friend we do everything together. I'm his little girl, even though i'm a teenager now, i will always be your little girl daddy forever and for always i love you <3

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About This Story
1 May, 2011
Read Time
2 mins
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