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Together is Life
Together is Life

Together is Life

1 Review

I sit in my 8th period class looking at the boy across the room. My name is Amy, Im in 10th grade, I'm staring at my crush Jackson right now. I know I need to focus in class, but I cant.

Class ends and its time to go home. I walk to my bus station. Theres Jack, I know that there is an upcoming prom this Friday, witch is two days from now. I want to go with him, but I dont want to ask. "Hey Amy!" Annie calls out, Annie is my one best friend. "Hey Annie." I say, "So, have you asked him yet?" Annie asks "No, not yet." I say sadly. Everyone walks onto the bus I sit right next to Annie. We chat on the way home, me and Annie are neibor friends we've known eachother since the 1rst grade when I moved in town.

We get to our stop, and Annie and I get off with a few other people. We walk home, telling eachother jokes. We go to my house to draw and prep. "So, why havent you asked Jack to prom yet Em?" Annie questions "I dunno, I just cant pull myself to do it." I say with a si. "Well, I might be able to help, I don't know a bunch about shyness I just walk up to the guys I want to take me." Annie says prodly. The night comes and Annie tracks back to her house, and we go to sleep ready for the next day.

I go to my classes then, I go to my 3rd period Writting class. Jack sits right infront of me in this class. "Ok kids, today I want you all to finnish up your books from the other day, remember try to make the stories intresting, and long." the teacher said. Jack looks at me, I blush "Do you have a spare pencle I can use, or a pen?" he asks. "Sure!" I say excitedly. I hand him my extra pencle wile blushing.

After class we all go to lunch, I have a special area to eat my lunch. They alow everyone to eat outside, I sit away from everyone, at a rock behind the bushes far, far away from everyone. I spy at Jack through the bushes.

After lunch I head down to my 4th period class, Science. My least favorite subject, and least favorite way to end the day. Today we are reading those text and question things that I forgot the name of. Science is boring, we dont even do Science we just read Articals.

Now the day has ended and we go back to the bus stop.

Author Notes: I know it doesn't have many details, but I'm hoping to make a hole serize out of this.

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About This Story
13 Apr, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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5.0 (1 review)

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