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my life

my life

By miah301

my step mom that has ben living with us for 5 years. it was just my dad and me after my mom died from cancer when i was 5 then my uncle died the same year then all the pets stated dieing then my grandpa died then my dad got with arlin and she has not talking to me in 5 years. every time i walk by she gives me a dirty look and ever day i come home to her glaring at my with hatetred. i have a little bro that is now 1.5 months old. i am not aloud to tuch him becuase she hates me but when she is not around we play, he realy likes to run around. i am 14 years old i only get to talk to my dad 5 mins a day then i am isolated from them and sent in my room alone then i go to bed whenever i wont then i wakeup go to school get good grades go to football practice.when thats over i go home talk to him for 5 mins and then sent to my room alone. that is ben my life for the last past 5 years.there are locks on all the doors so i cant get in to any of the rooms. she hides the remots so i cant wotch tv in the living room and all there is is a coach and a tv in the living uncle just got sent to jail 4 14 years for drunk driving.i spend most my extra time sad and alone thinking why should i stay alive and often think of ending it all shit she wonts me gone anys right.but for some reason i cant bring my self to do it. i have no dreams or wishs to do befor i go. i dont no why im even still here. if there is 1 wish i could make befor i go is to have my cuson aj and his family be ok and my little bro to do good in like and have a happy life and 1 last thing is for my grandma to live the rest of her days happy and welthy.i probly wont make it to 18 or even wont to realy. i dont have a close relation ship with god even thow i wont 1. i will probly end up in hell with my luck and i dont wont to see any of my family there ever i wont them to go up. well thats it that my life fun right.

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About This Story
11 Oct, 2010
Read Time
2 mins
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