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My Love for You (Chapter Three)
My Love for You (Chapter Three)

My Love for You (Chapter Three)


I walked into the school a see my best friends huddled in a corner, talking amongst themselves. As I walk up I get added in the conversation.

"I heard that Anita fucked Elija, Alista." Amanda says

"Yep, I think my brother beat his ass, though."

"Talking behind your best friend's back?" I hear Anita's voice and turn around.

"Speak of the damn devil. What do you want?" I ask.

"Ugh no need to be a bitch." She says and I see the group of guys who bully me and my friends walk through the hall.

"Ugh, late as always." Ashlin, my other friend, says and I giggle, causing the guy in the front, Cody Bishop, walks up.

"What'd you say?" He asks Ashlin.


"Of course not. You never say anythin-" he looks me up and down and stops short at my chest. I feel my cheeks heat up and I know I'm blushing.

"Stop looking at the brat like that, Cody." One of his friends says and Cody turns and glares at him.

"Shut up, Malek." He growls and turns back at me. I see something other than hate, this time...

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About This Story
2 Apr, 2021
Read Time
<1 min
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