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My Love Story

My Love Story

By sammienicoledj777

I was a new student at school. "Saryna what's 12 x 5?" asked the teacher. "SARYNA!!"rn"Oops sorry. 60." You see, I was staring at a guy with short brown hair and a checkered shirt. "Okay class, we're going to do an activity where you ask people questions and if they say yes, you write their names in the boxes." I immediantly got excited 'Maybe I can ask him something..' I walked over and feel myself shake. "Uhhh. Hi. Ummm.. Do you have an older brother or sister?" "I wish I didn't. Lemme sign the box." I start to blush. "Thanks," and I walk off.rnrnAfter two intense hours of staring and pretending to listen to the lessons, it was lunch time. I had successfully made friends (which was great compared to my old school where I had only one friend) and sat next to Rachel. rn"Hey Rachey," rn"Yeah?!" rn"Who's that guy over there?" rn"Oh that's Michael. He's a weirdo."rnRachel and I took our seats on the lunchtables. But Michael sat across from me, which freaked me out a little. "HEY!" He kicked me . "Oops I'm --- AYE!" I smiled. I kicked him back. They had started a kick fight until a teacher came up behind him. I stopped kicking when I saw the teacher, but he kept on kicking. He turned around to look over his shoulder, kicks me one more time , and looks back to the teacher's face. "Aw crap." We all (including the teacher) cracked up. After that we asked each other what movies we watched, and what each other's favorite sport was. His was basketball and mine- Soccer. rnrnAfter lunch, we drew pictures on our whiteboards. He wrote "I'M A SEXY HOBO" on his whiteboard. I laughed so hard. But then my laughter stopped when we had tons of homework. While I was trying to do it, Rachel tried to talk to me. "PSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" I turned around. "Michael was staring at you!" To be honest, I always see when he stares. " Really?!" I say pretending to be surprised. rnrnAfter two days candy grams were selling right before the carnival. Rachel sends one to her crush, and I send mine, with the name Double Secret for the sender part. He asked me if I knew who sent it to him. I completely lied. "Nope." During carnival, he struck back. i had forgotten to get the shift lists and we both went inside. I couldn't find it, so I asked him to help. "Tell me who it was and I'll help you find it." "NO!" "Fine." He almost walks out the door... "FINE! I SENT IT! OKAY?!" He turned around and stared. "Oh." And he helped me find it. We stay in a couple minutes-- of quiet--- and that's when I ran out of the room. "Thanks for helping me find it!" I yelled as I ran out the door . rnrnrnrnrnWANT MORE? EMAIL [email protected]

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7 Mar, 2012
Read Time
2 mins
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