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My Mind
My Mind

My Mind

BookNerd123Black Sheep
1 Review

Staring at myself and all I feel is broken emptiness. These dark eyes hold nothing but hate for my face. Empty dark eyes, judging. Soulless, hateful, vengeful, killing eyes. Never caring how I feel just scanning me over and over, telling me without words I am not good enough.

My lips speak only of hate and anger, they speak of suicide. They scream at me that I am not good enough. They tell everyone I am okay and they believe them. My lips whisper to me late at night and make me want to die.

My hands crave to cause pain. They drag the knife over my thighs, they burn the cigarettes into the cuts, and they heal them over and over so they can only do it again. My hands hit and punch, tearing my skin apart. They claw and scratch all down my body, bleeding me red.

My mind is who is in charge. It tells me I am worthless, it tells me I am ugly, it tells me to end it all. My mind tells my eyes to hate me, my mind tells my lips to manipulate me, and my mind tells my hands to mutilate me. My mind is hidden away from all and in control, my mind is the reason. My mind wants me dead.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
21 May, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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