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My mother's mercy

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My mother's mercy

By Khaledwords

My mother was always trying to educate me and teach me lessons how to live in this damn life.
She used to put her hands on my face and her eyes in my eyes to be in attention. She told me that happiness is in modesty and excpeting what do u have even the little thing, to love your people , to forgive , to give the poors who have less than you , to help elders and respect them beacuse their prayers for you are great blessings would change your life, and many virtues that make you a man of honor and dignity and thats what makes mothers are proud of their sons, but the most important she said that i must be human and i dont lose my feelings , if your heart became emotionless , your life will be nothing and it will fall apart before you.
I didnt understand what my mother was saying before it was nonsense to me, and now after long life of failing and disappointment and evil for all people , stealing , betryal , and all bad thing i have done , now i did understand what my mother said and what was she trying to teach me !!!!! Its so late now to understand the truth , i was counting the stars without noticing the moon.


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About This Story
12 Aug, 2017
Read Time
1 min
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