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My Quotes of Philosophy
My Quotes of Philosophy

My Quotes of Philosophy

Franc68Lorient Montaner
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1. 'I was born an idler of society, but died, as a genius of literature'.

2. 'I shall be forgotten as a man, but revered as a brilliant writer'.

3. 'Mortality is as ephemeral as the breath we breathed, whilst our immortality is a gentleman's paradise'.

4. 'Death is the guise we fail to recognise, but inevitably, its disguise is inconspicuous'.

5. 'Life is seldom the construct we imagine, and all it can be is the antecedence to the arrival of death'.

6. 'Nothing is more callous than greed, for it corrupts the poor soul indefinitely'.

7 'If I believed in the lies that men told, the word veracity would not even exist in the dictionary'.

8. 'To make a mistake is to commit an indiscretion, to acknowledge that mistake is a sign of wisdom'.

9. 'What is the truth, if it is no more valid than the question you ask?'

10. 'Intelligence is not merely measured on what you know, instead, on the wisdom you apply'.

11. 'I was blessed with the gift of writing, but cursed with the misfortune of any profit'.

12. 'If you dare to call me a man of no reason, then I shall address you, as an idiot'.

13. 'Capitalism is the rich man's definition of the distinction of rich and poor'.

14. 'What is the irony, between the king and his subjects, except that one is subservient to power and the other is powerless?'

15. 'The seeds of revolution are the clamours of justice'.

16. 'Democracy is a principle that few men adhere, but many impose erroneously'.

17. 'What is happiness, if we do not experience, at first, sadness?'

18. 'There is no absoluteness in this world, except the purity of the soul'.

19. 'The indivisibility of the maker is greater than the creation of the universe'.

20. 'Maturity is not based on age, but experience. What you believe you know is not necessarily wisdom'.

21 'Nay, shall my soul rest in peace, till the mighty seraphim have sung my paean of rejoice!'

22. 'My faith shall never sway, amidst the tempest of doubt'.

23. 'Poetry is the grandeur of the heart that beats its stanzas of sublimity'.

24. 'For innumerable years, I have been under the shadow of murk waiting, for the light of joy to appear'.

25. 'Religion is a doctrine, science a theory, and philosophy is universal wisdom'.

26. 'God is the Lord of humanity, and his abode is the cosmos'.

27. 'God is not limited to the Gospel, the Koran or the Torah, for his creation and existence is found, in the ubiquity of the universe'.

28. 'What we fail to understand, we forget, what we cannot explain, we simply ignore. That is ignorance!'

29. 'Birth is only the precursor to death, and death is the precursor to immortality'.

30. 'What I cannot see cannot harm me, but what I ignore shall blind me'.

31. 'From the singularity of a thought, an idea is created, but from the plurality of ideas, a nation is established'.

32. 'What society calls fanciful imagination, I call productive creativity'.

33. 'What the world says is banality, I pronounced as art'.

34. 'You may call me what you want and I shall respond not as a man, but as an artist'.

35. 'Oh, do not address me, with the appellation of sir, instead, with the simple utterance of my name'.

36. 'I have no fond proclivity for nationality, race or creed, when I much prefer the word human'.

37. 'Governments are the enslavers of democracies, and politicians, the benefactors of that greed'.

38. 'What you think you know as the truth is actually another unproven theory of confabulation'.

39. 'If there is a Heaven and Hell, then let me rejoice in the Heaven of the Earth first'.

40. 'Depression is the shadow that follows me, and madness is that shadow that haunts me, until my death'.

41. 'If I could quaff my sorrow with nepenthe, I would efface my sorrow, with a glass of that nepenthe'.

42. 'Deem me a sinner, and I shall deem you God. Curse me to Hell, and I shall gladly offer you a cordial invitation'.

43. 'Conviviality is much preferable than the grim and dim night of solitude'.

44. 'Silence is the irrepressible intonation of your voice that deafens, with the awareness of its effects'.

45. 'It is not the act of murder that is the crime, but the failure to take notice'.

46. 'There are many people who believe that wealth is the pinnacle of success, when it is instead the beginning to your downfall'.

47. 'Life is full of the endless chapters of your experiences, and many chapters are still left to be written'.

48. 'I do not care what the world shall think of me. My only concern is that I am not forgotten'.

49. 'The tragedy of mankind is not war, but the destructive repetition of its usage'.

50. 'Verily, the world would be vastly different, if we only effectuated the contemplation of peace'.

51. 'Words are twofold. They are ambiguous in meaning, but greater in value'.

52. 'How can I be mad, if the world that I live in is not conducive to reason? Who then is madder?'

53. 'A genius is not the actual embodiment of science. Instead, he is the natural embodiment of what is called God; for his perfection is unmatched'.

55. ' When the day comes to meet my maker, I shall hope to present myself, as an angel'.

56. 'What is a nightmare? It is a dream gone astray'.

57. 'What good is law or a constitution, if neither cannot guarantee the liberty of our inalienable right to manifest?'

58. 'I do not require salvation from God, when I procure salvation from tyranny'.

59. 'If I was to asseverate that I was eccentric, than I am compared to Oscar Wilde, but if I say that I am normal than I am compared to no one'.

60. 'There is only one Edgar Allan Poe, but I would be honoured to be called his imitator'.

61. 'Horror is the chapter of a never-ending book of countless phantasmagorias'.

62. 'What cannot be explained should not be called so easily preternatural. It should be given the name of illusion'.

63. 'All that I had loved I have loved with passion and devotion. Now all that I loved has remained in my past, as a token vestige of my despair'.

64. 'Sex is no less or greater than love, except we call one lovemaking and the other sin'.

65. 'Why do we call God divine, when it is he who is the diviner and we the fool?'

66. 'If I could wish away the illnesses of the world with a single word, I would include my own to begin'.

67. 'I could read a thousand books and not learn one thing, but I could have sex and learn, at least, the birds and bees'.

68. 'I was once called stupid, by the person, who now calls me a genius'.

69. 'Stupidity is not what you know or do not know. It is the fool who acknowledges himself, as stupid'.

70. 'Religion teaches us that the world was created in seven days, and evolution states that we evolved from the ape, but then, who were the original tenants of the Earth?'

71. 'Some have call me a poet, whilst others an author. I much fancy the word philosopher'.

72. 'Time is interminable. It does not even respect the wishes of the dead'.

73. 'Emotion is not logic. It is a representation of a compulsive impulse of good or bad'.

74. 'Logic is the heart of philosophy; for it beats to the thought of ratiocination'.

75. 'I ascribe ethics to the basic element of our conduct, because it promotes the purity of the soul and maintains the logic of our mind'.

76. 'We are ninety percent thought and ten percent instinct, and from that revelation is the confirmation of our seity'.

77. 'That what we fear is nothing more than the conjecture of our mistaken thoughts'.

78. 'That which is real is a paradox to the surrealism of the actual truth'.

79. 'Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but in the form of that contemplation'.

80. 'I dread to say that I am haughty in my thoughts, when society is haughtier in its actions'.

81. 'I have seen a beautiful portrait painted, with the clouds above that resemble a masterpiece in its full extent'.

82. 'I have often wondered about the significance of love, and every time I have been bemused by its anonymity'.

83. 'If my mind is empty of thought and substance, then the shape of its form shall be shapeless, like water'.

84. 'I shall not sway with my quill, nor shall the ink of my words be silent, till the meaning of my words shall linger nevermore, beyond the pages of our love'.

85. 'I clamber up the weary mountain strain, beyond the river of the waterfalls that sustain, this sempiternal Aidenn I shall now pertain, amidst the immortal soul who died not in vain'.

86. 'If I am wary to be blinded, by the aesthetic beauty of love, then let it be the comfort of the gentle wings of Cupid, who shall kindle the light afire of the heart anew'.

87. 'Hitherto, I shall stroll in the colourful valley of the pleasant waterfalls and groves, by the gushing fountains perfumed, in camphors and goblets of wine'.

88. 'There is my beauteous and fond home forever, amidst the jasmines and violets of Aidenn I stroll, within a dew of autumn dripping upon the knoll, sheltered by those rays of midday wherever'.

89. 'I seldom find myself in an endless labyrinth of uncertainty that I ponder its eventual egress'.

90. 'It is not merely thought that kills, but the perception of that action that follows immediately'.

91. 'I am not a prophet or saint. I was only bestowed, with the pure essence of poetry, as my voice'.

92. 'I may be impoverished in this world, because I own nothing, but I am enriched in enlightenment and the proprietor of my own knowledge'.

93. 'There is no such thing as consolation, when defeat is worse than victory'.

94. 'I abhor the confinement of my thoughts; for it is an imprisonment of absolute chastisement'.

95. 'My throne is not the palatial palace of a king, but the comfortable Chesterfield chair of the parlour'.

96. 'I need no formal introduction to misery, for we are well acquainted, and he is no friend of mine!'

97. 'History shall record my birth in the 20th century and my death in the 21st century, but my soul belonged to the Victorian Age'.

98. 'I do not believe I am a gentleman in the correct sense of the word, because it is a lordly title, but what I lack in nobility, I exude abundantly with scibility'.

98. 'Whilst it is true that I have no wife or children do not pity me—for I shall leave behind as a vestige to the entire world, my array of literature'.

99. 'In life I have achieved nothing but mortality. It is through death that I shall cross through the door to immortality'.

100. 'When you see me cry, you shall imagine my sorrow, but when you cry, you shall experience my pain'.

101. 'Is there nothing more to life than to drudge like a slave, and be nothing than a name to your employer?'

102. 'When I say I am a tellurian, people forget that they too are tellurians. Thus, I must remind them of that fact, after they understand the word to mean earthlings'.

103. 'For manifold centuries mankind has waited for the end of the world, yet they can't even agree, when the world began'.

104. 'People often ask, why one must die, whilst the other lives and the answer is that we are appointed our destiny, by our creditor'.

105. 'I cannot quite explain or understand the cycle of life and death, except that I pertain to its cruelest form of repetition'.

106. 'If I was born from the womb of my mother and not from an immaculate virgin, then is not the conception of my birth, less a miracle of God?'

107. 'Suicide is the insoluble mystery that death does not invite to our funeral'.

108. 'Where there is fear, there is terror. Where there is terror, there is darkness'.

109. 'To be human is merciful, to hate is to be a racist, yet we bleed the same'.

110. 'If I had one wish it would be to rectify my past, alter my present, and hope for my future. I suppose that is more than one wish'.

111. 'Boredom is when your mind is less active and not entertained'.

112. 'People say that ghosts do not wander the earth, but I differ, when the earth is full of the walking corpses that we call brainless'.

113. 'Riddles are meant to be solved, when clues are meant to be left'.

114. 'Science tells us that we are not alone in the universe, and religion tells us that we are not aliens, but I say that we are tellurians'.

115. 'I was told as a young lad that there was once a Great Tower of Babel, where we all spoke the same language. I suppose now as an adult that our tongues have become more obscene'.

116. 'I suspect that Socrates and Plato are dueling in an intellectual discourse in the Symposium, but I was not invited as a guest'.

117. 'To stare at a woman’s beauty is not a crime, but to not acknowledge it is'.

118. 'There are days, when I would rather be hidden from the world, and there are nights, where the stars are my only companions'.

119. 'Cowards are born each day, but heroes die on a given day of valour'.

120. 'It is not unpatriotic to speak your voice. That is called the constitution. However, it is unpatriotic to voice in behalf of one principle and forsake the others. That is called special interest!'

121. 'I find it odd, when brash politicians evoke the greatness of their country, when for the most part, they seldom stray far from the comfort of their lobbyists, and all they have served only is civil office and not military service'.

122. 'How can you measure the essence of the heart, without the essence of love?'

123. 'Without the soul, the body is useless, and without the mind, the thought is empty'.

124. 'Within us is the unnameable beast, whose name we do not know'.

125. 'Why do we think we are alone in the universe, when it is only the perception that we are alone?'

126. 'Is it inconceivable to believe that we are dead, and the world is an illusion?'

127. 'Simplicity is more facile to understand, when we speak the truth'.

128. 'Can I reconcile the past with the present, with just a memory?'

129. 'Conscience is knowing right from wrong, but consciousness is being aware of the distinction'.

130. 'Can our life be defined, by a defining moment in our live that we cannot recognise?'

131. 'History is made by the people, and not by the nations'.

132. 'One day, I shall find myself within a dream, where I shall not wake up'.

133. 'Time is illimitable; for it has no beginning or no ending'.

134. 'Instruction is a learning of life and recognition is its application'.

135. 'Why should I be silent amidst the truth, when my voice echoes the truth?'

136. 'The difference between instinct and intuition is that one is the lack of thought, whilst the other the awareness of thought'.

137. 'Vocabulary is not mere speech or enunciation. It is the voice of our mind'.

138. 'I was once told I was a living thesaurus, but I prefer to be an Oxford dictionary'.

139. 'Maturity is what is the unmissable distinction, from puerile behaviour to adult judgement'.

140. 'Although we are similar in physicality, we are different in mentality'.

141. 'A scholar is not measured on his laudable education, instead on the wisdom of his teacher'.

142. 'To be human is to be imperfect. To be perfect is conceit'.

143. 'A solution is not just an answer to a mere problem. It is the outcome of a thought that has been processed, by the calculations of the brain'.

144. 'Religion and politics are mutually aligned in division and not unity'.

145. 'Character is not based solely on integrity, but the evident accountability of judgement and action'.

146. 'I had a dream that I was a judge, until I realised I was being judged'.

147. 'The notion that I have become wiser is not a notion, but an incontrovertible fact'.

148. 'I do not know which is worse, emotion or emotionless?'

149. 'Pride is something that men boast willingly. However, shame is also omitted willingly'.

150. 'Is it a lie, if I told you I am dead, but yet I live or am I only dead wrong?'

151. 'To be revered is to be immortalised, to be famous for fifteen minutes is to be forgotten'.

152. 'I did not choose destiny, it chose me, over a thousand boring mortals'.

153. 'Age is not the years we accumulate. It is the duration of life and death recorded, in the annals of our existence'.

154. 'Where do we seperate fundamentalism, from the precept of a fundamental?'

155. 'To want to be an independent nation, does not imply the disintegration of a great nation, but the need to be independent, like a son or daughter'.

156. 'The real foundation of thought is not based on what you perceive, but what you create'.

157. 'There are people that crave money, when it is only a piece of paper printed to be worshipped by ingrates'.

158. 'I shall never understand the need to be superior, when we are of the same origin that is called humanity?'

159. 'There are multitudinous persons that seek to imbibe the fountain of youth, whilst I am content to imbibe the fountain of wisdom'.

160. 'If I told you I know nothing, you would call me an idiot. If I told you, I know something, you would still call me an idiot. But if I told you that I know everything, you would call me a blind idiot'.

161. 'To be alone by the waters of the sea, and fly above, like the sea gull, and hear the gushing sounds of the tidal waves reach the shoreline is to be forever in the paradise that is known, as Torremolinos'.

162. 'Spain was not the place of my birth, but it was my birthplace, as a writer'.

163. 'There is nothing more tedious, than the tediousness of the word'.

164. 'I should be grateful that I am alive. Should I be grateful, when I am no longer living?'

165. 'A thief is always a thief, but a liar is a thief that conceals the truth'.

166. 'Socrates once declared that he knew nothing. If he was to see the ruination of our present society, he would say, he has learnt nothing'.

167. 'I have contemplated the possibility that few shall comprehend the meaning of my words'.

168. 'To my fellow man whose kindred I share an affinity know that I am a man and not a name'.

169. 'I am a writer and philosopher. In the end, you shall judge my writing, as literature or entertainment'.

170. 'Naivete is just a fancy word that means unsophisticated that we tend to misspell'.

171. 'There is not a moment, when I don't think of what if, but then the next question arises what then?'

172. 'Is the evil of our actions innate, or is the essence of our actions just a consequence of an action we call evil?'

173. 'Whilst our body is sleeping like a child, our mind is creating like a genius'.

174. 'Nothing can be worse than the drug of ignorance'.

175. 'It is hopeless to believe that mankind can hope for change, when there is no change'.

176. 'Who is correct, the individual that assumes to know the facts or the individual that offers his interpretation of the facts?'

177. 'To ascribe to a belief is not memorising a sacred book, but have the capacity to understand that belief'.

178. 'What good are promises, when they are only empty words not valued?'

179. 'There is a commonality found in religion, science and philosophy. It is that they are all based on theories'.

180. 'A supposition is a thought, and a reaction is an action that can be either a premeditated thought or natural instinct'.

181. 'An idiot is he that claims he knows nothing, a fool is someone that speaks the idiom of the idiot'.

182. ' I shall not bow in reverence to monarchy, oligarchy, autocracy or plutocracy. Instead, my voice shall ever advocate democracy'.

183. 'What is a sage without sagacity? What is sagacity, without being sagacious?'

184. 'Ignoscency is a fancy word for forgiveness. Yet, that word is as Latin, as the word decency of which we practise less'.

185. 'The world was once thought flat. I wonder if by destroying it, we shall prove that hypothesis'.

186. 'Neophytes are those that affirm to know nothing, whilst experts are those that affirm to know everything. What do you call a person that knows something? I call that person reasonable'.

187. 'Truly, it is remarkable that in the 21st century, we know how to stop bombs and bullets, but know not how to prevent the occurrence of a simple storm'.

188. 'I have expressed my virtues with my benevolence, but have been haunted, by my numerous defects'.

189. 'Phantasy is a detachment of the world of reality according to psychology. Yet it has been attached to us, since the inception of the first theory'.

190. 'I know my foes by name, but I choose to call them cowards'.

191. 'The raven is the reaper of death, whose sable guise and devilish stare reflect, the ominous pressage of death'.

192. 'When I close my eyes I see nothing. When I opened them I see that I have achieved nothing'.

193. 'To look in the mirror is not conceit. It is instead, looking at a reflection of your reality'.

194. 'I cannot banish the shadow that torments me, when that shadow is me'.

195. 'I know that I shall die one day. The question is, whether it shall betide sooner than later'.

196. 'Is there something more to life than just living, or is life only a dream within another dream?'

197. 'Is it foolish to think that our paradise is on Earth than some unknown place that we have never seen or know of its actual existence?'

198. 'I could hear the gentle rhapsodies of classical music and imagine my soul on the clouds of Heaven. What a beauty that would be!'

199. 'I have not found a name yet, for the nostalgia that is my sorrow'.

200. 'I once loved a woman whose name I shall never reveal, but her name meant wisdom in Greek'.

201. ‘I ponder the thought in my mind that one day in the distant future, when I am no longer living that our brains shall be a network of mathematical calculations of a computer and rid us of our memories’.

202. ‘I know that it is wrong to complain of my anguish, when there are many people worse than myself, but no one can feel the anguish of another person’.

203. ‘I shall loathe the thought that in the future, my writing is revered, when in the present is at times, sorely misunderstood’.

204. ‘I have always wondered what does virtuous mean for a woman, when virginity is only a religious state of denial of sexuality’.

204. ‘Why do we feel we are entitled to an inheritance, when we cannot even save our soul?’

205. ‘I have never understood the meaning of “goodbye”, since it is a word we repeat, during the day, in the afternoon, and at night?’

206. ‘When I acknowledge that I am a Theist, people mistake me for an Atheist’.

207. ‘It is a shame that we cannot use the words gay and queer to express cheerful and strange, without being presumed as ignorant.

208. ‘I have seen so much in this world, yet there is so much that remains an inexplicable mystery to me’.

209. ‘The definition of feeling has forever confounded me, when it is neither thought nor instinct. Perhaps, it could be best described, as something undefinable’.

210. ‘Why must I conform to a society that demands everything from me, and in return, gives me nothing but uncertainty?’

211. 'The mind must be nourished with thought, the soul with purity, and the body with vigour'.

212. 'Who am I amidst the crowd of onlookers, you ask? I am the sole voice of reason'.

213. 'I have counted enough times to know that there is no need to count anymore, since what I counted were my innumerable defects'.

214. 'To whom am I addressing, God or the Devil? Either one I shall inopportune your time, with my lengthy list of complaints of the world!'

215. 'I had a magnificent discourse with Wilde, Poe, Tennyson, and Voltaire. We spoke about the one thing that mostly intrigued us, for the nonce. No not the wonder of philosophy, instead, the wonder of idle gossip of the mortals'.

216. 'The stateliness of a speech can be heard in the passionate words expressed of a republican, for the republic.'

217. 'I have committed no crime, except to believe in the principles of democracy'.

218. 'I am not a monarchist, but a staunch republican. I bow to no monarchy and only stand, before a republic that does not subjugate my will'.

219. 'I have seen the first two acts of the play of Macbeth, and the rest of it Shakespeare has apprised me of its fascinating details. Unfortunately, he forgot to mention, the high cost of the admission, since his passing'.

220. 'If I would tell you that I was Greek, you would not believe me. However, if I would recite the Symposium of Plato, you would think of me, as Plato's lost kin'.

221. If I could sustain myself with love, then I would rid myself of every wretched note or coin I had in my possession'.

222. 'Hark! There is a stranger terrifying me, and I believe his name is Mr. Shadow'.

223. 'They say there is no Utopia on this Earth, but I rightfully disagree, when it is there to create, with one visionary thought'.

224. 'Cannot we agree to the argument that, we are living on borrowed time?'

225. 'Time is like the tic tac of a vintage clock or the evaporating sand of an hourglass. It cannot be stopped or can it be measured. It is simply a continuous process of a hollow echo that drowns us in its nullibicity.

226. 'Who is wiser, a man that recites poetry by memory, or a man whose only memory is poetry?'

227. 'I was once asked how I became intelligent, and my response was, I am neither intelligent or ignorant, but wiser'.

228. 'I have sought for wisdom and never known its meaning, until I realised that it was always in me'.

229. 'I have searched throughout my nearly fifty years on the Earth, for my other self, and I have, at last, found him in philosophy'.

230. 'Whether I think you are wrong does not matter. What matters is that you realise your error, before others do'.

231. 'When I observe the society of today, I am am an observant of materialism, in its purest form of capitalism'.

232. 'I admit to swearing, but not for a cause. Instead, I swear at the swine that believes, his cause is greater than another '.

233. 'Dignity is the humble man's word for honour'.

234. ' What you interpret may not be, what others interpret. Therefore, the interpretation is never absent-minded'.

235. 'Who is more productive a colony of ants or a colony of men, whose edifices are built by greed, and the others built by necessity?'

236. 'What I want I can never have, and what I need, I can never stop wanting'.

237. 'The true meaning of brotherhood is not determined, by race, but the acceptance of each other, as brothers of the human race'.

238. 'A teacher is not the same as a professor, because a professor is he that professes knowledge, and a teacher is he that teaches knowledge'.

239. 'I have reluctantly acquiesced to the thought that in the years to come, I shall be reduced to a reference of a tweet or a mention on Wikipedia'.

240. 'The genuine purpose of the law is to govern a lawful society, not to impose on that society the commandments of ungovernable law'.

241. 'We can boast of the advent of technology, but there is a myriad of our youth that cannot, even solve the simplest equations of mathematics'.

242. 'Columbus is said to discover the Americas, but who discovered the Earth?'

243. 'I have attempted to reconcile the significance of my life, with the significance of my years, and each time, I have reached the conclusion that I was not entitled much of a life. As for the years, they have idly passed me by, without anyone taking notice, except me.'

244. 'What good is it to write a meticulous autobiography of my life, when I live, if some pungent editor shall edit it afterwards, when I am stone dead?'

245. 'It seems like aeons, since human beings had a semblance of civil discourse'.

246. 'I had an intercourse with a woman, and it was intellectual in nature and not sexual'.

247. 'Evolution would be a practical assumption, if it had not been that creation had evolved before Darwin'.

248. 'Wherefore am I the only one that believes that the world as we know it, is just a never-ending story?'

249. 'It is unusual that I cannot explain the inducement that people have with vices, except that they make people change their normal demeanour, from sane to insane, within the space of time that their vice obsesses them'.

250. 'Patience is the virtue that we all acknowledge we need, yet it is the worsest of all human traits, when it becomes impatience'.

251. 'Fame is the one thing that makes a nameless person famous. However, it is also the one thing that can make that person worthless, if that fame is only conjured, in the mind of that individual'.

252. 'What is the opposite of perfection, an individual that thinks he is perfection'.

253. 'From amongst the throng of naysayers there is one amongst them that shall be the next philosopher and the other, the next fool'.

254. 'I yearn to see the wonderful colours of the rainbow and the comfort of its placidity, in its vivid composition'.

255. 'Where could I find one interesting person that could stimulate my noesis enough to tell me what noesis means?'

256. 'Science claims that time is measured by the speed of light, then what good is that time, if it is invisibly undefined?'

257. 'Sometimes, I wished that my mind could be less active than my body. I guess that is wishful thinking'.

258. 'Habit is a senseless repetition of hebetude'.

259. 'I am strongly convinced that we shall one day travel in time, when we have generated sufficient electricity in our bodies, to be like rapid lightning bolts'.

260. 'A wise sage of ancient Athens once told me that daylight was the sign that the Gods were awakened, and the darkness of the night was the sign that the Gods were asleep. Thus, I asked the question, 'What do the Gods do at dawn and at sunset, so that I know when to worship them and when to curse them?'

261. 'I do not know, when I first conceived the idea that I was different than the rest. Perhaps, it was when I had realised that my mind was on another wavelength that was not compatible, with cable television'.

262. 'I have observed with interest, the motion of the physical components that are the engine for our every human movement, and I am convinced that instinct is much more manifest in us than mere thought'.

263. 'The process that forms a singular concept in our mind that allows us to process thought at its inception is known, as cognition'.

264. 'How many times must we say, I shall do it later and never do it at all?'

265. 'Nevermore is my favourite word, but somehow the more that I say it, the more is the possibility that I grow weary of saying, nevermore!'

266. 'Education is not a university degree, but the wisdom that we learn to a great degree'.

267. 'The eternal question of to be or not to be. I would answer, I would rather be somebody than to be nobody?

268. 'Can a person predict the future or is the future already predictable?'

269. 'I see the universe in my mind and I perceive the infinity of an indeterminate energy'.

270. 'Percipience is not perception. One is a palpable understanding of things and the other a conceptual impression'.

271. 'God forbid that I shall be revered by a strange cult. I would refer those poor and misguided souls to Scientology'.

272. 'I have been for some time dueling with my other side that is my ego, but I have not yet known how to defeat him'.

273. 'What is the criterion to law, if we cannot even agree to which law is greater man's law or divine law?'

274. 'I have learn to speak many languages of the world, but it is the language of philosophy that I speak more eloquently'.

275. 'Whoever says they know me, knows me not. What they know of me is what they have read about me in print and not my soul'.

276. 'Where there is a hopeful future, there is also a hopeless reality'.

277. 'I have sensed more civilty in a person buried, within a graveyard than a person alive'.

278. 'The greatest discovery on Earth is yet to be discovered'.

279. 'All that I have known before is the history of one version and that version was an erroneous interpretation of the victor'.

280. 'Is it not out of the realm of feasibility that our brain is the worsest of our enemies?'

281. 'My desire to know the answers to my every question has forever left me, with such a continual doubt of mystery'.

282. 'I am constantly amazed, by the irresponsability in judgement of some people that defy death, with their illogical actions of stupidity, and they wonder why we call them stupid'.

283. 'I have ere contemplated, the probability of a parallel universe, but the question I pose in alterity am I living in that parallel universe, instead of my assumed reality?'

284. 'It is truly unfathomable to contemplate that Earth is only an exiguous bubble, in the cosmos that shall one day explode?'

285. 'If there was such a thing, as a potion of love, I would imbibe Spanish wine to replete, my heart abundantly'.

286. 'Anything is better than nothing, as long as that anything is something'.

287. 'When there is good luck, we remember the day it came, when there is bad luck, we forget the day even existed'.

288. 'People speak of mutual compromise, yet they do not even acknowledge that there was a problem, in the first place'.

289. 'For centuries man and woman have failed to understand each other, but the one thing they concur in is the need to disagree, for the sake of disagreeing'.

290. 'The greatest gift that I was bestowed was never a profitable one to begin with'.

291. 'Temptation is the sinner's biggest fear, yet when they experiment carnal pleasure, they quickly realise what they have been missing'.

292. 'From whence I had doubt, I sought the guise of God, through religion, science and now, at last, I have found him through philosophy'.

293. 'There is nothing more absurd than the absurd of being absurd'.

294. 'How long does a word like sesquispedelian have to be pronounced correctly, before it becomes extinct?'

295. 'Gossip is said to be an art. However, I prefer to call it wasteful time, between two bored walls that attempt to amuse themselves'.

296. 'Justice is the rich man's retribution, whilst internment is the poor man's fate'.

297. 'To read is a priviledge and to write is to make history'.

298. 'The act of extinction is not, when something has become extinct. It is when we forget that something has existed before'.

299. 'My critics state that my words are too obsolete and abtruse to be understood. Then, I shall remind them that there is such a thing called the dictionary'.

300. 'Human rights are never respected, when men only respect power'.

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About The Author
Lorient Montaner
About This Story
6 Sep, 2018
Read Time
29 mins
4.0 (1 review)

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