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Nature Court {Warning Violent Content}
Nature Court {Warning Violent Content}

Nature Court {Warning Violent Content}

AmbienceThe Story Cascade

[Patient ID: 1564, 2017 record]

I am Seo Hyun, and I am thirteen years old…who was grounded by parents for months by hacking the school wifi. Anyways, I am

…going to tell you what happed last week: the day when I… did something bad…

It was around 4:00pm when the sun was still bright in the sky. I was jogging in the park next to my home like I do every week. And, I saw many people there. Some were flying kites, and some were setting up their tent as it was a warm,

May Tuesday.

Shortly after, I stopped and took a short breath beneath a tree by a rock. The park was more beautiful on the hill where I was standing. Red bushes, white lilies, fan-like sprinklers…

There was nothing unusual other than, if I have to point out, the pollens. Thousands of white furs were floating around the park as if the fragments of stars were landing. Some people wore masks to avoid them…

Just when a handful of pollens slashed pass my cheeks, it twirled and weaved into a cute girl about two years younger than me and wearing a curious white dress. She slowly flowed down with her flapping sleeves and hair.

Now, as it was Tuesday, and my school did not celebrate Labor Day like other schools. I decided to jog away and pretended to have not seen her. In my mind, I thought my mind was playing tricks with me. I shouldn’t have ignored…

When I went past her, she grabbed my clothes. She had a cheerful look on the face

and said, “Are you Seo Hyun Han?”

So, I said, “Yea…”, trying to not meet her eyes.

I quickly zoomed through images of that girls in my memory. But I instantly gave up because, with my bare eyes, I saw her floating on the air… no long legs, no ladders, no jetpacks… Underneath her legs were the outlook of the park.

Then she replied, “Could you stand still for a sec?”

I could not even hesitate to accept her request, as I was so shocked, and my legs were numb. Meanwhile, she formed a window with her finger to look through. After a moment of analysis, she turned pale.

She stumped on the midair and shouted “You filthy human! You killed more than 18000 plants, ate more than 4000 animals, killed more than 4000 animals,” and lists of many other “filthy” things I could not recall.

I giggled, oddly.

I was still digesting the uncanny situation when she continued to scold me… No body passed near me to save me… When she saw me being absent minded, her eyes burned in flames. When I mentioned her eyes burned, I meant that her eyes literarily had two fires jutting out her eyes.

She continued, “You will face consequences!”

It was too sudden to recall, but I remember myself being wrapped around by ivy. They were tickling like ants.

After a long moment of darkness, a tiny peephole was formed, and I saw the girl dumping me under a shallow pit not as deep as my head would reach if I sat down. I expected a shovel to bury me alive, but she seemed to be…vanished?

I hopped around to catch some glimpses of my whereabouts. Luckily, the ivy was like a sleeping bag, meaning that it couldn’t fully limit my bodily movement to look outside through a small hole.

The girl was not clever as I expected?

Anyways, with the people, I was able to know that I was in the cliffside forest on the side of the park. I could see dots brown hills. To my back stretched a meadow, which was, according to myth, was denied by the landlord to be utilized as park. I could not see my apartment.

I used all my force to rub the ivy to a rock. The ivy was so strong that it did not ripped easily. Subsequently, I used all my force climb over the hole. With countless attempts, I was able to flatten the sides of the pit to an extent without arms. However, A rabbit came by, turned, and kicked the dirt back in the pit. I ignored and continued. Whenever I got faster, the rabbit got even faster, obviously having controlled by the girl.

Being half-blinded by the ivy was horrible. I could move around to peep through a small hole, but I could not dare to chew them open, for I heard that it had poison, and the girl can appear at any time to “condemn” me. I thought about my mom and dad. They would be worrying if I do not return before the sunset. How I had to explain the circumstance to my parents was a mystery.

The only thing I could do was to yell out for help or accept death with dignity. I stretched my legs and made myself as comfortable as possible and asked the God for mercy. When I hacked the Wi-Fi, I was not trying to be a spoiled child but to look cool among other students. When I cursed to the principal, I was trying to look cool to avoid bullies in my class. Oh God, please forgive me! I will do anything for you. I will change. I will love others like myself.

When I decided to tell my parents that I was lost in the forest, the situation became serious. I heard a sharp blade cutting through some meat. I felt disturbingly warm liquids falling on my clothes. I chewed off a large portion of the ivy. Through the larger hole, I saw a man. I slid towards him and lightly shook his body with my head, doubting death. I rubbed his arm with my cheek. I could feel warmth, but he gradually became cold.

I searched for his wound: under his arm, on the belly… Where his head should be was a bumpy surface oozing out warm liquid.

I screamed and cried and shivered, glancing everywhere in all directions. In front of me was a real corpse looking more awful than the gore films I watched. It was horrible. I had to check for serval times to make me believe that he was not alive. It’s not something that you can get ready by seeing many corpses on the films. A real one is…

I can’t explain.

From the distance, I saw the girl with red splashes on her dress. However, there was no madness. Instead, there was a keen seriousness in her face. She seemed to accept the death of a man as a penalty of… destroying nature? The moment I saw her axe, there was a torrent of courage. I was not afraid of death anymore.

So, I yelled with a sturdy face that would pierce through the girl’s insanity “What do you think you are doing!” It echoed through the woods.

The girl frowned and yelled back “This is what you get for destroying our civilization! Humans!”

My anger surged, so I yelled “Aren’t we nature, too?”

She raised her eyebrows and said, “The nature which destroys the others.”

“No! lions eat meat; birds eat worms; and.. and”

“And humans eat everything, kills everything, and destroys everything.”

I was losing. I forced back the tears forming in my eyes and shouted “I don’t care. It’s just wrong! It’s wrong to do that to someone!”

She uttered. “Speak that in the court. Next is you.”

Rest of the hours were mostly headache. Too many things happened to me in a day…seeing a corpse, talking with a fairy… My head felt like an eel was swimming around. It was also very heavy from crying. I decided to slide away to a nook to not see the badly wounded man. When my consciousness recovered, the girl was gone to somewhere.

I am not an anti-humanist. But I thought about the girl’s logic for a while because it may save me from the ridiculous court she mentioned. First of all, she is some type of a fairy that guards the forest. Is she the judge? I didn’t think she was. She disappeared somewhere in the forest to prepare something. There must be other members that helps her. The sun was setting when

I heard leaves colliding.

Two boys were dumped in the hole. They were about sixteen. One of them was wearing a l leather jacket. They cursed the girl as they fall.

“You two are death sentence!” After saying this, the girl silently hovered away towards the mountain range, crossing her arms.

The two boys very kindly unwrapped all the ivy around me with a pocketknife. I suddenly felt hope.

The boy with the jacket whispered to me, “So, Seo Hyun, I have a pistol in my jacket. When she comes to cut our throat, you hold her still. Jake will shoot her to buy time, okay?” his eye seemed to glisten with intelligence.

“Are you sure that a fairy will die that easily?” Jake whispered.

“We have no choice but to try shooting it down… she can sense our movement by watching with eyes of the other animals, so there’s no point of us running around the forest for help,” the boy with the jacket continued, looking at me, “don’t worry little boy. I won’t turn into that man,” he disrespectfully pointed the dead body with his hand.

“Quiet down, animals can hear us.” Jake said.

I did not hold back my question. “In the girl’s court, you must have heard or felt something. What was in there?”

The boy with the jacket sighed with his nose, and replied “Animals… Like rabbits, deers, cows, chickens, sheeps… We don’t need to care about them. What is sure is that the girl is very clumsy.”

I did not ask him more about the court when a real-life pistol was passed on to Jake. The fact that they had a weapon was scary. Also, they looked very similar to delinquents in our school. I wouldn’t venture to interrupt the Jacket’s belief: “We don’t need to care about them”.

The sky was poison blue. The dark figures of the larch trees swayed. Both the boys observed the movements of the leaves. Bored, Jake insisted the Jacket to light a campfire to ward off the coldness. The suggestion was quickly abandoned as it would mean that we’ve removed the ivy. More time passed and the sunlight was barely lighting the forest.

“Gosh, I can’t see anything,” Jake muttered.

“Why is she taking so long?” I asked the Jacket.

“Is she giving us time?” Jacket replied.

“What do you mean?” both Jake and I asked the same question at the same time.

“For us to beg for mercy,” as the Jacket finished speaking, he abruptly pointed his head to a corner. “There she is!” he whispered.

The girl was glowing in gold. She burped once. She must had eaten dinner. Her cloth was as clean as I first mt her. She had an undoubtful look of sadness a person would have when the future is unclear.

She asked the boys with a humble tone “It’s time.” She didn’t ask how I removed the ivy.

Jake and the Jacket were seemed perfectly confined in the bushes. I gave them a wink. The girl sprayed a golden powder on my hair and my feet became lighter and lighter while my head became weary and weary until my body was comfortably floating in unison. I glided through blankets of air, holding the soft and warm hand of the girl. The girl talked to me. Her voice was as soft as her lips. The proportion of her face was as perfect as mathematics.

“I am not sure what I am doing is correct,” she said.

I was surprised.

“What do you mean?” I replied.

“No previous animals felt deep animosity towards humans for regarding them as a tool for humanity” ––she curled her hair with the fingers–– “they were unchanged from the time of unsullied Eden… being the present from God without consciousness as robust as humans… Before I properly become an angel, I hated to see humans putting down animals for food or clothes and felt hatred towards human for the rights animals. But,” ––she smiled mercifully, slightly tilting her head–– “I was wrong…for some part… You saw the man and the two boys, right? They are here for not only destroying the nature, but also some…”

I nervously looked back. A loud bang was heard. Followed by red stain, steam came from the girl’s stomach. I was on the the ground intact when she stirred like a dying moth and crashed into a meadow. Her golden glow was fading, but she quickly shot beams to the wound from her palm and began healing her stomach. It was too late. The speed of healing did not surpass the cascading blood.

The Jacket came closer and stumped on the girl’s wound. She gasped. “You killed a man, huh? And tried to kill us two? You deserve death. This is what our court says!”

“I am sorry. Please let...let me be alive, ” the girl begged.

Jake pulled out his pocketknife. I dashed towards him and pulled him back.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Jake yelled.

“I think that’s enough, right? You are going to let us go, right?” I said.

“Yes… Kindhearted… I was wrong,” blood ran under her beautiful chin, fainting.

My strength did not equate a 16-year-old’s. When Jake elbowed my chest, I fell back. I couldn’t breathe for a while. Freed, Jake grabbed the girl by the collar. The knife pierced through the girl’s neck. She growled.

“No!” I yelled as loud as I can, but I coughed louder.

The girl started bleeding crazily until the ground was soaked with redness. She shook badly when she lost too much blood. When her body calmed down, she was far from healing. She still breathed but licked the blood-soaked soil until her final breath.

Yet, she remained beautiful in the purest blood soaked by the whitest furs... Who could raise a hand for human, now?

[Playback end]

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The Story Cascade
About This Story
5 May, 2022
Read Time
11 mins
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