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New and Old, Death and Birth
New and Old, Death and Birth

New and Old, Death and Birth

1 Review

Death is the thing that steals life out of a creature's body
how could something be so cruel
death is the thing that kills our loved ones
death is ancient, it's almost too old

But death can bring some people joy when they're tired, sick and old
death helps the world to learn and grow
death help us realize why time is so precious
death help us see why our loved ones should be cherished

Death makes room for birth
and birth makes room for new ideas
old is good but so is new

new help us see things in a different view
old reminds us of our past victories and fails
it's all a cycle that must balance out
old helps teach and nourish the new
new will help keep the old strong untell the old must pass
new will become old and that is how the world goes

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About This Story
12 Apr, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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