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New Year Greetings 2021 - Part Two
New Year Greetings 2021 -  Part Two

New Year Greetings 2021 - Part Two


There is light at the end of every tunnel and this is also true for our world’s darkness of lying, cheating and corruption, which in the year 2020 has had enjoyed its final fling. And the light that’s coming our way is by no means from an oncoming train. It’s the light of the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom, honesty and truth. Our inner guidance is the wise one and living God within and that’s the only utterly trustworthy teacher and guru in the whole of Creation. Mine is telling me that the present situation’s happy ending is close at hand and that it will come about in a surprising manner.

In keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan, in God’s time and not ours, it will happen soon. God’s time means when the energies are right and that’s what they will be in the year 2021. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let me explain. When a child has it’s first birthday, the second year of its present lifetime has started. Therefore, the 1.1.2021 is the beginning of the year 2022. The number two represents the Universe’s second creative impulse, the feminine nurturing and caring aspect of the Great Mother of all life. The zodiac’s sign Cancer, the fourth house and their ruler, the Moon, are dedicated to this aspect of the Divine Trinity. The number one represents its counterpart, the Great Father, the masculine creative force. The sign Leo and the fifth house, ruled by the Sun, a dedicated to Him.

The 1.1.2021 being the beginning of the year 2022, the energies available are going to beneficially influence us and our world for the whole of that year. Consisting of 3 x 1 and 3 x 2 they are well balanced. And 2022 consisting of 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 = the number of Venus, as well as 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 the number of Saturn. Saturn is best placed or exalted in Libra, the sign of balance and relationships. I believe that this is an excellent sign for our world’s recovery. It will come about through ever more of us healing their relationship with the Highest Forces of life, whatever that means to them.

It’s thought of as extremely fortunate when Saturn is in an exalted position in someone’s birthchart. These people are likely to find enlightenment during their present lifetime. That, to my mind, means a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of every human being’s earthly existence, the processes of life and the initiations all of us are constantly taking part in on the earthly plane. Can you see what’s shaping up for us and our world? Until mid March 2023 Saturn will remain in Aquarius, one of its own signs. In the chapter ‘What Is In Store For Us?’ we already talked about how we and our world are influenced by the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that took place on the 21st December 2020, the day of that year’s winter solstice.

The year 2020 has been under the rulership of Virgo, the zodiac’s teaching and healing sign that’s ruled by Mercury, the winged messenger of the God’s of Roman mythology, known as Hermes to the Greeks. To this day they are stealing the treasures of the Gods, the wisdom of the highest levels of life, and bring them down to the earthly plane to alleviate humankind’s lot. Read more about 2020 by following the first link on the list at the end of this chapter.

However, the year 2021 is going to take us and our world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life with the help of the Venusian energies. Venus is also the planet of beauty, harmony and above all peace. It’s the planetary ruler of earthy Taurus and airy Libra. Libra is the peacemaking sign of the zodiac, in which Saturn the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of our earthly existence, is in exultation – see above. An excellent sign for our world’s recovery and helping us to gain self-mastery and self-control over our lower earthly nature. On top of that, the first day of 2021 is a Friday, the day ruled by Venus.

2020 has been the year in which God and the Angels have been teaching our whole world the value of honesty and truth – through removing these values completely, for a while. It’s also been a year of healing humankind from the delusion that troublemakers and scaremongers could ever seriously have the power of ruling our world and taking over it’s reigns. We shall soon be able to look back on 2020 as the year when our world’s outer plane, through a practical example was shown that nobody but the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit, and the Angelic Hierarchy are the only ones who are truly in charge of us and our world and that on all its levels. They always have been and forever will be.

In our world’s spiritual background, the inner spiritual plane, love, honesty and truth have always ruled supreme. Spiritually, everything is for real; faking, lying and cheating are unknown. In keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan of life, our world’s outer plane for quite some time has been in the process of being transformed, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, to become ever more like its inner counterpart. This applies to every human being, the whole of humankind and our world. The present situation is an essential and necessary part of this transformation. The reasons for it have been explained sufficiently in other parts of my writings.

The Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age is groups of people working together for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels. Love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation. The corollary of this is that those who keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers – independent of where they are on our planet – they form a group that is strong. And when they are working hand in hand with God and the Angels they are invincible.

God bless and all the best for you and your loved ones. A happy and above all healthy new year 2021 for the whole of humankind and our world. And now please have a look at what I have prepared for you:

• ‘New Year 2021 Greetings’

With love and light,

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1 Jan, 2021
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