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Franc68Lorient Montaner

"Truly, there are terrible primal arcana of earth which had better be left unknown and unevoked; dread secrets which have nothing to do with man, and which man may learn only in exchange for peace and sanity; cryptic truths which make the knower evermore an alien among his kind, and cause him to walk alone on earth."—H P Lovecraft

There are ancient ones that were revered sacredly, as perennial gods to the old Egyptians and Akkadians, and are the avatar of the realm of the unnoscible. They have existed through the illimitable eons, beyond the worlds that we have not yet transcended or explored.

Our minds are incapable of understanding their presence, and our consciousness can only attempt to decipher the verisimilitude of their mythos. They dwell deep within the centre of the universe and reflect the cosmicity of their essence. They are the imposition of an unimaginative horror that we dread, in the immutable sequence of our phantasmagorias.

From outer space they had arrived on to the Earth billions of years ago, lost in the indeterminate passage of time, until one day from amongst them, an entity of great dimensions of terror was discovered and had risen, from its latent state. It was called Nezepheroth.

My name is George La Fleur, a Canadian by nationality. There are certain individuals that will dare to dismiss my account, as pure imagination or speculation on my part, but know that the experience that I relate is not based on an inconceivable supposition.

It is based on several encounters I had, with an otherworldly being that I could not fathom with the mere expression of the incontrovertibility of words. There are existential things in this world that manifest that are too inscrutable, to attach a tangible description. The being that I met was no ordinary one, for it would intrigue me until the day of my death. Its powerful influence would control my thoughts, and its intellect would be unmatched.

Thus, I would search for it, amidst the darkled shadow of its cosmic mind. It was in the year of 1928, when I was searching for ancient artifacts in the western part of the country of Canada that I had uncovered a remarkable discovery that had predated, the nomadic Paleoindians' artifacts I had unearthed a year ago.

It was a towering, single block of an alabaster color stone that was a monolith that had appeared to be millions of years old of an ancient temple. It was located in the area of the mountainous range of British Colombia, during the last days of April. The area was known for its rugged landscapes and difficult terrain, but the small expedition that I was a part of was prepared for these harsh conditions. In the end our stay would not be long in its duration, and I was able to retrieve the monolith from the area, with the help of the crew of the expedition. It was carried back to my laboratory that was miles away from where the monolith was found.

At the laboratory, I would be able to examine it studiously and conscientiously. I had heard of the ruins of ancient monoliths discovered in the Middle East, India and Egypt. All of these artifacts located were quarried and taken to be examined at laboratories. The fact that it was erected as a temple had made me ponder at length, what was the signification of the temple and the strange hieroglyphs that were engraved into the monolith.

I had previously been in Germany and Indonesia, studying ancient megaliths that had particular stone circles on them. I was no renowned expert on the subject of monoliths, but I had spent considerable time in recent years conversing, with fellow colleagues of mine, about the discoveries of ancient civilizations and cultures and their paleology.

The possibility of comprehending the monolith would depend, on the decipherment of the symbols utilized. I had sent a photograph of them to a professor of the university in Vancouver that had specialized in antiquitous hieroglyphs. It was my expectation that he would be able to assist me in the efficacious task of deciphering the symbols. While I had been waiting at the laboratory at home patiently, I began to do some research of my own. From my general observation of the monolith, I had surmised in my initial hypothesis that the symbols were perhaps related to a race of inhabitants that had venerated a race of beings of some supernatural origin.

This notion was not that irrational to believe. History was demonstrative of ancient civilizations worshiping pagan gods. There had always been great men of exploration that had come to the region, such as Cook, Vancouver and Mackenzie amongst others and made marvelous discoveries, but none would have discovered an alien life form that would manifest, into a living entity.

For countless centuries, the thought that there existed in our universe other beings was something that science had been contemplating. No one had yet to prove that there was indeed life in other planets in the galaxy. The prevailing thought among scientists was that there was at one time in the past, life forms on those established planets. Technology was modernizing not only the view of scientists, but as well, the mechanism and instrumentality of science.

Within a week, I would receive a letter from the professor that was attempting to decipher the hieroglyphs informing me that he could not decipher the inextricable symbols. He did suggest that he would offer me a viable clue, and that was that the hieroglyphs were probably depicting a story that had described something relevant in events.

The question was, what were those particular events? I would be disappointed with the news, but I had realized that the hieroglyphs were difficult to distinguish from the beginning. In the hope of deciphering the symbols, I had made public my discovery to the newspapers that distributed nationally. It was my plan after examining and deciphering the symbols to exhibit the monolith at the local museum.

The conventional thought was then to take the monolith back to the university in Vancouver that I was a professor at and keep it there, until further deliberation. I knew how important an artifact of a monolith with the representation of alien symbols would be to stir the curiosity of the public, in particular, those individuals in the scientific community that were eager to have the monolith on display.

It was a period for weird and alien stories to be concoctions invented or intimated, especially those whose conception were in association, with the irrefutable mysteries of the vast universe. The enigma of the monolith was enough to occupy my mind and effort.

Time was of the essence, and I had spent endless nights staring, at the figure of the monolith obfuscated. During one morning, I was awakened by some strange noise or activity. When I rose to my feet to investigate the matter, I had noticed that it was coming directly from the laboratory, where the monolith was being kept at in my house.

Once I had entered there was no sign of any commotion, or of an intruder. In fact, no one had been inside the laboratory, except me. As puzzling as it was, what would occur next would baffle me even more. There was a fainting glow that was shining from the monolith. When I got closer to the object, I could visibly see that the symbols on the monolith had been indeed shining at one point of time of their illumination. Due to the entrance of the sunlight, I was forced to shut the curtains.

It was then that I could see more clearly, the transparency of the symbols and I would be utterly surprised. What I had not previously seen in their delitescence was that there was something peculiar, behind the symbols. They were figures of godlike creatures or entities. I could not fully distinguish their guises, because the images had faded in their lucidity.

What I could witness was that those images were not human in composition or reflection. This had astonished me to the degree that I began to conceive in my mind that the monolith was more than mere symbols engraved. Who were these gods that the symbols were depicting, and what was the story about that was engraved, with such a careful precision? What were they trying to convey? Were these primitive people depicting, an advanced race of aliens from another planet or galaxy?

If so, then why did they come to Earth? Whoever they were, they were sufficient to be worshiped, as immortal deities. I had been fascinated by the strange occurrence that I began to chronicle my thoughts and analysis, in a private journal. This had allowed me to conduct my experiments, with a measure of reason and observation. My research was becoming more empiricutic, although I still had kept some theories.

My hours were being consumed by the monolith, and my research on cases recorded across the globe, about alien contact with primitive cultures. There was one case, in particular, that I read that was somewhere in the country of Iraq, where a similar monolith had been discovered. Fortunately, for me, there were photographs taken of that exact monolith.

Once I had seen the images of the photograph, it would stir my fascination even more. Was it a mere coincidence? I would read an article then, about another monolith in Egypt that was the same, as my monolith discovered. I had written letters to the archaeologists that had located these monoliths, and I had disclosed to them my discovery. I had attached a photo to the letters. I would inquire, if they had experienced the images of the aliens that I had witnessed as well. It was too premature of me to declare the monolith, as direct evidence of communication, between the primitive people that had engraved the symbols and the aliens they were personified.

The perception that I had was that the alien beings had wanted for there to be proof of their existence. This inusitate form was perhaps the only manner, in which the primitive people could understand them, and for the aliens to divulge their messages. The key was in solving those hidden messages.

It would not take long for me to be in correspondence, with other archaeologists. The photographs they would send, would inspire me to seek to resolve the mystery, behind the engraved symbols. It would cause me to be more resolute and interested.

What I could determine from my research, would take me to the deepest realm of my consciousness. How could it be that in three different continents, there were similar monoliths, with the same pattern of symbols? I still did not know what the symbols had embodied in their representation. I did not know also, when precisely these symbols were made?

Over and over in my head, I had cogitated these pertinent questions, but I had not found an answer to them that was rational. Could there actually be a race of alien beings that were given unconditional veneration and thought to be authentic gods? The Aztecs, the Egyptians and Akkadians had entered into my contemplative mind.

All of these primitive cultures had worshiped quoddamodotative gods in one form. What if these supposed primitive people were much more advanced than we thought they were in comparison to our modern world? I had begun to believe that was the case. It was then that I had realized that perhaps I needed to concentrate my time and effort on examining that feasibility. If aliens from another galaxy or planet had come to the Earth and had encountered primitive people at the time of their arrival, then would it not be logical that they would be interpreted to be gods of some cosmic nature? The symbols had appeared to be tralatitious messages.

I had been sleeping one night, when I was awakened, by the strange lights coming from outside of my window. When I had examined the area, I did not see anything out of the ordinary. When I was returning to my house, I had noticed then, that the light was flashing once again.

This time, it was coming from inside the house. It was coming from the laboratory. It had surprised me with a sudden reaction. Cautiously, I had proceeded to enter the laboratory. As I had opened the door slowly, I would be confronted, with the imposing image of a cosmic being that was not human in its appearance. It was a leviathan of a sable, solid mass of matter towering over me, with its impressive stature.

It stood over ten feet tall in height and had six beady white eyes that pierced into mine directly. It had an antenna and a proboscis, resembling a teratoid creature. With immediacy, I had grabbed my camera to photograph the being, but as I had attempted to take a photograph, it would disappear through the window it had entered before. I thought of chasing it outside in the grass fields ahead, but with the limited light accessible to me, I had dismissed that bold urge.

I would have to wait for it to return, or for me to locate it then. Had it come for the monolith I had asked myself? Did it come to contact me, but I inadvertently, had driven it away foolishly? Whatever was the reason for its appearance at the laboratory, I had the sense that it would return soon. When was the question? After my unforgettable encounter with the ineffable alien, I had prepared myself for its inevitable return. Was it protean in its form?

In the morning, I had discovered after looking straight out of my kitchen widow, the unusual sight of something passing by the tall grassland. Was it the cosmic being that I had witnessed the prior night in the laboratory? I went outside to follow its path in the grassland. After a while, I was lost and could not find it, but what I would stumble on to, would leave me stunned in awe. I had come across unbeknown to me, giant concentric circles that had been shaped and were tangible to me.

They were the sheer size of a Roman coliseum in width and quaquaversal. Who had built such an impressive thing? Was it the design of the aliens from outer space? Was the being that I had seen in the laboratory involved somehow, with the creation of the circles?

I was not certain, whether to report my finding of the concentric circles to the local authorities or newspapers. I did not want unwanted publicity and have people coming to my property uninvitedly. From that moment on, whatever discovery I would make, I would retain a secrecy of its revelation. Once again, I had thought about the monoliths that were found in other places of the world and how exact they were compared to each other. I had read about concentric circles being discovered in the United Kingdom, where there were monoliths. What if this superior race of beings had managed to land on the earth eons ago and had attempted to contact earthlings? What if they had succeeded?

The circles were like inexplicable riddles of enigmas. That was what they had seemed to me in the beginning. It was not until I had the intuitive realization that like the symbols on the monolith, the circles were also an intrinsic part of the mythos of the ancient ones. There could be no doubt in my mind then, that they had returned to Earth. If they did return, why did they return?

The anxiety in me had caused me to ponder that, and many more things that I had once doubted. The fact that I had an encounter, with one of their kind had reinforced the notion that they wanted something. That something I had concluded was to have contact with us humans. That would be a frightening reality, for any one to have to concede rationally. The circles would be kept a secret for the time being, as would the encounters with the eldritch one. Because the grass was so tall, the circles could not be seen from afar, only from up front or from above.

I had spent the day thinking about the connection, between the concentric circles and the monolith. I was not guaranteed that upon having another encounter with the ancient one that I would have my answers, let alone be spared of my life. I was willing to take that necessary risk and challenge.

I had meditated, how I could devise a way in which I could communicate to the cosmic one in person. It had seemed like an implausible thing to achieve. If I could be successful at that endeavor, then it would open the dialogue between the two of us. It would as well allow science to understand its motive and its world.

I had reached the point of no-return. I could not permit myself to fail. There was so much at stake. That evening, I was once again staring at the photographs that were sent to me by my fellow colleagues. Was there something that I was missing? How could I decipher the symbols? What language were they in?

While I was seated, the intruder would return and this time, he would leave me a message to be heeded. I would hear my dog barking. I would go outside to check on him. Apparently, he had seen someone or something that was behind the tall grassland.

There was nothing, nor no one I could see from my view. I could perceive in his eyes that he had definitely seen someone lurking, behind the grassland. When I went back inside the house and to the kitchen, I saw the indelible images of words scribbled onto my walls. It was written in plain English, ''I was here!''

This revelation had left me startled and confused. Had the eldritch one entered my house, while I was gone? It was an incredible thing to admit and to believe, but the words were indeed authentic and real. I did not see anything enter nor leave the house.

I knew that I would eventually discover the truth. A truth that was more than what I could ever imagine it to signify. I had no control of the situation. I had formed only a part of its intriguing circumstance. That was a haunting thing to have to accept unwillingly. In the end, it did make me more anxious to know, what would happen next. From that point on, my nights were restless and preoccupied with the unfolding events. The possibility of the eldritch one reappearing at any time, had me cautiously attentive to my surroundings.

Even the howling wind had caused me to be suspicious. I would often find myself alone to face, the eerie silence of the darkness outside of the house. My only company and comfort I had found in my dog. His barking would alert me of the immediate presence of the ancient one. He was my reassurance. I was all alone in the house, but I was ever mindful, about what was lurking out there in the tall grassland.

I knew that it knew where to find me, and I was only left to guess, where to look. I did not feel that thing was truly sinister in nature after all. On the contrary, I had the feeling then, that it wanted to communicate to me in the most viable manner possible. The monolith was to be the significant instrument between our two worlds, as it was for the primitive people that had engraved its challenging symbols. It was obvious to me, after the incident with the message on the walls that it had sought dialogue with me, a mere earthling. It was exciting, yet at the same time, unsettling.

Why I was chosen to be the one to communicate with the ancient ones and see them appear, I could only speculate. Perhaps it was mere coincidence, because I had found the hidden monolith, or it was more to do with the fact that I had the capacity to understand the messages delivered.

That was more than what I had expected. Still the constant thought of what they wanted had kept me deeply thinking in my mind. In the morning, I had taken some coffee. While I was at the kitchen, I would see from where I was at, the image of someone walking about the tall grassland. I had no doubt then, that it was the eldritch one.

The dog was barking and he knew too, who it was. I had stepped outside to stealthily investigate. I had entered the grassland to see, if I could find the cosmic one. I had searched and searched for the ancient one, until I had reached the cosmic circles.

I had perceived the presence of the being that was trying to communicate with me. The force of the wind had intensified and brushed the grassland. From all directions, the wind blew its birr. Wherever I went, the wind had followed me afterwards. I had stopped to pause and study the circles. There was something unusual this time about them that I had not thought of before. It was not the labyrinthine formation in which they were created, but the reason they were created in the first place.

I had surmised that they were created, for the purpose of identifying their presence. Through the passage of time, the eldritch one and his kind had existed and traveled from galaxy to galaxy, planet to planet successfully. They had established themselves efficiently, to the primitive cultures they had come in contact with. It was remarkable to see how advanced beings could communicate, through interstellar travel and transform ancient civilizations.

I returned to my place and had cogitated more in depth, the occurrence back at the concentric circles. I could not help but wonder, why the eldritch one was ambiguous and vague at times toward me. Why did it not present itself to me sufficiently, instead of leaving behind subtle clues and messages?

What was impeding it, from establishing direct communication? Did it have limited time, or could it not appear for more than that limited time available? It could not be entirely something from the surface of the earth nor the oxygen that was detrimental to its physicality, since it had transformed before me.

There had to be something else that was involved, in the nucleus of the ancient one. How could I begin to solve that mystery, without understanding, why it was here in the first place? I had received a fascinating correspondence on that day, from an American archaeologist informing me that he had seen the pictures of the symbols, on the hieroglyphs of the monolith. He would disclose to me that the symbols were the representation of a journey that had taken place billions of years ago, and that on one occasion, millions of years ago, the ancient race of the eldritch one had landed on the Earth again.

From what he could decipher, this ancient race of beings had traveled innumerable times to the Earth and had attempted to make contact, with the inhabitants at that time. This would explain the reason that primitive cultures would have mistaken the race of the eldritch one, as primordial deities and had apotheosized them.

The whole mythos of ancient deities was well-known to me, ever since I had studied Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Aztec mythology back at the days of the university, as a student. All of these elements of ancient mythology had a common denominator, and that was the reverence to old gods that were cosmic in nature. Could these cultures have survived, without the implementation of supernatural gods or were their limited minds of comprehensibility, not enough to make that clear distinction?

I could only imagine myself back in that bygone period of time confronting, beings that were not only interchangeable in structure, but as well, theriomorphic in their features. There was not any longer a variance, in what I had been experiencing, with my sentient awareness.

The notion of an ancient race of beings from outer space was no longer as well, the futility of a metaphysical or metaphorical argument. The cosmos was full of inexplicable phenomena. The emanation of their origins was perceived, as realistic and universal. I had contemplated the possibility of that hypothesis. What was interpreted as imperceptible, could be then understood, as plausible.

The ideographic images that I then had grasped its significance had made me consider the contrast of our technology, with the eldritch one and his kind. Countless centuries had transpired, since the monolith had been discovered, and their transcurrence in the cosmos. There were still so many questions left unsolved and unanswered, but I had instinctively known more than what I did not know before. I had only a rudimentary grasp of the symbols.

I did recall seeing the photographs at one time of symbols in a bas-relief, from an ancient Assyrian artifact. The thought of the animation of their mythos, then had entered my mind precisely, as I had embraced the conception of their inception. I had been ruminating in my incipient stage of my knowledge, the ancient one's existence.

From the inherent facts that were gleaned afterwards, the symbols were phonetic. What language had they correlated with to be comprehended? In the language that most primitive cultures would utilize, hieroglyphic symbols that were magnified and not incongruous.

This is why throughout the world, there have been similar monoliths found, with these exallotriote and exact symbols in the residuum of excavations. All these events, that were occurring to me, were the continuum of several attempts of meaningful contact with humans.

In this modern epoch veneration of pagan gods or otherworldly ones would be assumed to be associated to queer cults. Hitherto, the reality of preternatural deities worshiped was still something that was secretly practiced, by people of different backgrounds and cultures. How could one be so susceptible I would ponder?

In the end, I had gravitated to the belief that all gods were seen, as reverential and subliminal. Something in essence that was, beyond the threshold of our conscious perception. To me, it would be an experience that I would never forget. My journal was the great testimony of my words and thinking, without it, nothing of what I had experimented would be considered credible, not incompossible. The symbols on the monolith were the composite of compoundable elements.

It was during that night that I would have my final encounter, with the eldritch one in person. I had been anxiously awaiting with sudden anticipation, for its reappearance, and I could not sleep. I thought I had been prepared, but nothing would have prepared me, for what had happened on that memorable day.

My mind would try to understand it. I had been writing a correspondence to a fellow professor, when the lightbulbs of my home began to dim gradually. They did not extinguish in light; the lightbulbs only began to flash back and forth. I knew at that moment that it was an evident sign that the eldritch one was nearby. I had heard my dog barking outside. That too was a revealing sign. Was it meant to be portentous?

I had grabbed a flashlight from the kitchen to be able to see clearly outside. I was hesitant to go into the tall grassland alone, where the concentric circles were located. It was simply too opaque also. Therefore, I had made the conscious decision to return to the house and wait for the eldritch one to come to me. I had paced in the kitchen nervously, looking through my window. I had looked at the clock in the kitchen and saw that it was close to midnight.

It was an augurous sign of the coming of the ancient one. The suspense was increasing and I had to calm my uneasiness. After a while, the barking had ceased and there was complete silence. Either the dog had grown fatigued of barking, or something had happened to him.

My curiosity had impelled me to investigate. Once I did, I had found that my dog had vanished. I had called on him to come and there was no response. There was a cold silence afterwards that had prevailed over the tall grasslands, as I stood there observing.

I had thought of grabbing a rifle for protection, but I was uncertain if the thing could be killed with mere bullets. It did not threaten me nor harm me in the occasions that I had seen it with my eyes. I had waited for a couple of minutes, anticipating for something to happen. My deep intuition was telling me that I would never see my dog anew.

Thereafter I had seen the light in the laboratory, where I had the monolith kept. There was no doubt in me that it was the eldritch one that had entered the house. My instinct had compelled me to go inside the house and ultimately, to the laboratory where the light was coming from Slowly, I went inside and had reached the room, with a pedetentous step.

This time I had grabbed the rifle I had in my bedroom, before I had entered the laboratory. I had heard the radio that was transmitting from inside. When I turned the doorknob and had opened the door, I would stand face to face, with the eldritch one once again. I would be shocked to see the horrible image that I had seen of it previously.

The familiar eight beady, white eyes and the undertone of its teterrimous features were enough to horrify me, into a momentary horripilation. It smelled like soot. It had remained much longer than in the prior encounter. An antenna had detached from out of his head and an elongated proboscis from its mouth.

I did not know whether it had intended to kill me, or it was merely examining me. I had remained still, unable to react for a brief moment, until I could. I had stepped back and had prepared the rifle to shoot, but the trigger had jammed. It was not my intention to harm it. I was trying to be cautious about protecting myself. I had suspected that the monstrous being had done something to the dog, and I was expecting to be the next one to disappear.

I was not willing to vanish like the dog. It came closer to me in its approach. As I stood there watching, the eldritch one did not harm me. It was merely probing me, especially, my mind. For what reason, I could only helplessly observe. It was no ordinary experience I would endure.

For a minute or two, I was still and feckless to do anything. My mind had connected somehow to its mind through a form of instant telepathy. What I had witnessed in this connection of the minds had provided me, with incredible images. I could see clearly, the images of his civilization, his travels, and more importantly, the history of the planet Earth billions of years ago.

At last, I had understood what he was trying to convey with its visit to me. It could have killed me, if it had wanted, but it had spared my life. It was impossible to describe with words in accuracy, the whole experience of that night. All that I could offer was a token sign of its manifestation, through my journal. After we had finished communicating, his antenna and proboscis had returned to their place.

The next thing that I had observed was an important artifact that he would leave behind for me to have, and that was a large slab of rock that was from his original planet, with the symbols of his language. He would give me the power through telepathy to understand everything, about the monolith and his world. He had requested only one thing from me, and that was that I didn't reveal the fact that we had encountered each other to others.

It was to remain a secret, if I ever wanted to share communication again in the future. I had consented to that basal request. Although the monolith would be displayed, I knew what was more significant in the end were the encounters I had with the eldritch one. This I could not afford to jeopardize. I was not guaranteed about anything, except his return one day.

His ugsome appearance was only the product of my fears and trepidation. I am certain that my human physique was repulsive to the ancient one. He never made one comment on my constitution. I had wanted to ask him a plethora of questions, but his time was abating, and he had to leave. The old one's name was Nezepheroth.

I had asked, when he was returning. He could give me no definite answer. He uttered nothing more. Then he had vanished into a hoary vapour of air. I would learn afterwards that my dog was not taken by the alien. He had torn his chain and went running toward the tall grass, where eventually I would find him safe and intact. I had noticed then that the concentric circles had been reduced to a small circle no bigger than a garden.

Perhaps, I was chosen or destined to meet and communicate with the alien life form. No one will ever know the truth, except the faithful pages of my journal. There are things that should remain a secret, and other things that are not worth the time and effort to reveal in that process.

Often, I would wait at the concentric circles that were left or had watched from my kitchen window outside to catch a momentary glimpse of the ancient one. I knew that it would return. Whether you believe my account or not, all that I could assert then, is for you the reader to determine its validity. To the sceptic of ancient races of cosmic beings, I will not indulge myself in attempting to convince you of their existence. All you must know, is that the eldritch one Nezepheroth exists. It came from the outer limits of outer space.

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About The Author
Lorient Montaner
About This Story
1 May, 2023
Read Time
28 mins
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