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The following night, Lucy put the ring on again and instantly drifted off to sleep.

Just like the previous night, the ring glowed white and she vanished.

When she reappeared, she found herself in Hyperborea again, wearing the same multicoloured dress and silver sandals, but not in the same area.

Instead, she was standing on the broad summit of a mighty, shimmering grey mountain. The mountain was situated in a very long range of shining peaks. The lower slopes were covered mostly with Alpine trees and the upper slopes had huge veins of silver crisscrossing through them.

Before Lucy, there were four to five dozen miles of vast peaks and beyond that, the foothills.

Beyond the foothills, there was a pale, shimmering multicoloured area, which stretched for some distance to the shore of an ocean – the far side of which was lost in the haze of the inner star.

Both to the left and to the right, the mountains ran for over two thousand miles to whatever lay beyond. Behind Lucy, there were dozens of peaks, followed by foothills and unknown terrain beyond.

Not only that, but there were Eagles, Dragons and Pterodactyls about.

Suddenly, a familiar person appeared out of nowhere in front of Lucy.


“Greetings Lucy.”

“Greetings Alcyone.”

“Are you ready for another adventure?”

“I sure am.”

Just like the night before, Alcyone transformed into a golden dragon.

“On you get,” she said.

Lucy climbed on the dragons back and the adventure began.

Alcyone left the mountain top and headed seaward.

As she was carried through the mammoth peaks, Lucy saw shimmering lakes, rivers, immense waterfalls plunging into colossal cauldrons of mist and what appeared to be crystal settlements.

She was way too high to see any life down below, but miles up in the air, there were dozens of dragons, all flying this way and that like planes. The very largest ones were larger than jumbo jets. They dwarfed the Pterodactyls and the birds were no more than flies in comparison.

Once out of the mountains, Alcyone descended through the foothills, which were all completely covered with trees.

At a height of a thousand feet, she began to cruise across what turned out to be a forest of enormous, crystal clusters. Millions of them there were – millions of shimmering crystals – each a totally different colour.

For hundreds of miles Alcyone flew, until she finally reached the coast, which was lined with shining cliffs over a thousand feet high.

She then descended to a height of five hundred feet and headed out over the calm sea.

At that height, Lucy was able to see life in the ocean. She saw sea serpents, dolphins, whales, Plesiosaurs and water dragons.

One of the serpents suddenly transformed into a dragon and took to the air.

At one point, an island came into view.

Alcyone flew straight towards the island, which was far from small.

There were long beaches, shining cliffs, coves, bluffs, small villages of glistening white circular domed buildings; high steep sided hills clad in trees and valleys with sheer slopes on either side.

Many people were either on the beaches, walking about in the villages, or swimming in the sea and there were many dolphins, whales, seals, water dragons, serpents and mermaids about.

The dragon turned right and headed along a stretch of coastline – passing two villages and a cove, until it reached a four-mile-long beach, which formed a great arc.

The beach was lined all the way along with palm trees and at either end there was an enormous bluff.

There were countless people, either walking about, sunbathing, playing with dogs, building sand sculptures, messing around, or swimming.

There was plenty of sea life and shape shifting too.

Alcyone turned left, headed up through a valley and over a rise.

What lay beyond that point totally amazed Lucy.

On the other side of the rise, there lay a great flat area of terrain – over a thousand feet below. There were lakes, areas of jade grassland, trees, settlements, like those by the coast, huge crystal clusters and plenty more

Pterodactyls, birds and other dragons were flying about and other kinds of dinosaur, including Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurs, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurs were moving about below.

Furthermore, there was some kind of immense, shimmering white object, right in the middle of the area of terrain, which was up to fifty miles across and surrounded by hills.

Alcyone flew lower and headed towards the structure.

Down below, there were many people. They were walking about in the woodland areas, sitting by lakes, riding on the backs of dinosaurs, riding horses; going in and out of the buildings in their settlements, working on allotments, swimming in fresh water pools.

There were plenty of children playing on swings, slides, helter-skelters, seesaws, climbing frames and roundabouts. More children were play fighting, chasing one another, playing ball and playing hide and seek among the trees.

There were many dogs, Elementals and many other life forms too.

However, Lucy couldn’t make out the appearance of the people, because they were too far below.

That wasn’t all, for there was plenty of transformation taking place. People were transforming into dinosaurs, horses, big cats, birds, Elementals, wolves, dogs and many other life forms. The same was happening vice versa.

Furthermore, people were either disappearing or reappearing.

Closer and closer Alcyone flew towards the object at the centre of the land. It turned out to be a huge, domed building – about four miles wide and up to a thousand feet high in the centre.

There were many magnificent gardens outside the mega structure.

Finally, Alcyone landed on a very wide, gleaming white gem-embedded crystal walkway with vegetation on either side – leading to the building entrance, which was shaped like a vast pentagon.

Lucy climbed off Alcyone, who turned back into her human form.

“What is that place?” Lucy asked.

“The great library of Hyperborea.”

Lucy and Alcyone began to make their way along the walkway, which was very busy, with humans and Elementals, including fairies, nymphs, fauns, trolls, elves, satyrs and gnomes, going back and forth.

The humans had long fair hair, blue eyes, tall bodies, youthful skin and were wearing technicoloured robes, dresses, trousers, turbans, shirts and sparkling gold and silver sandals.

More Elementals and humans were either going in or coming out of the building, which had light emanating from within.

When Lucy and Alcyone reached the end of the walkway, they entered the building.

The sight, which met Lucy’s eyes totally blew her mind away.

Straight ahead, there was a vast passage – as wide as a six-lane motor way, stretching out of sight.

A very busy place it was.

There were luminous multicoloured fountains, beds of vibrant flowers, trees surrounded by gem-embedded crystal walls, holographic statues of animals and Elementals, birds and fairies flying about, other Elementals, either walking around or sitting on crystal chairs and humans too.

The passage was lined on either side with rows upon rows of very long crystal shelves – full of emerald tablets and side passages, which were large enough, but not as wide as the main one. The floor was made of gem embedded crystal.

There were people sitting on crystal stools at large crystal tables studying emerald tablets. More were walking in and out of the side passages and removing tablets from the shelves or placing them back. However, they couldn’t gain access to the higher shelves by hand, so they used levitation technology to remove or place back the tablets.

The most astonishing thing, was the fact that the building was half transparent from within.

“This is totally astonishing,” Lucy said.

“There are eight passages like the one before us – each leading to the centre of the library, like spokes of a wheel. Side passages join up each main passage, like the concentric layers of an onion. Each side passage is lined on either side with shelves upon shelves of emerald tablets.”

“How much knowledge is contained here?”

“More than you can comprehend. All of the Earth’s history is here.”


“However, the knowledge here isn’t only recorded on emerald tablets.”

“How else is it recorded?”

“On films, which people can see in thousands of small cinemas, all scattered throughout the library. I will take you to one while you’re here.”

Lucy and Alcyone began to make their way slowly along the huge passage, which revealed many more secrets.

People were standing or sitting in groups – playing woodwind, stringed, brass instruments and drums. More were singing and dancing to the music – accompanied by Elementals.

Others were swimming in luminous pools of multicoloured water, playing friendly football, performing magic tricks, telling unknown folk tales.

There were many children about. They were either chasing one another, kicking balls about, taking part in the entertainment, having fun in play areas with swings, helter-skelters, climbing frames and seesaws, telling stories among themselves or staring at the holograms, but they weren’t studying the tablets.

More people were walking back and forth along the side passages, which curved out of sight and were lined on either side with shelves of countless tablets.

There were very large holographic images – projecting from holographic decks.

One of them showed the Solar System with the planets moving round the Sun and the moons around the planets, another showed the Moon, another showed an asteroid, another showed the Pleiadean constellation and so on.

Furthermore, there were dozens of small oblong shaped gem-embedded crystal buildings with rounded corners and arched roofs.

“What are those buildings?” Lucy asked.


A group of humans and Elementals came out of one of the cinemas – allowing another group to enter.

Eventually, Alcyone and Lucy reached the end of the passage, where there happened to be an area of gardens.

“Here we are,” said Alcyone. “The centre of the library. It’s one big circular area of parks and gardens.”

“Are we going in there?”

“We certainly are.”

Alcyone and Lucy entered the gardens and began to make their way along a gem-embedded path.

The gardens turned out to be most magnificent.

There were vibrant flowers of many colours, trees with many shades of green, luminous multicoloured ponds, patios, crystals, holographic statues of animals and Elementals, luminous multicoloured fountains, crystal benches and more gem-embedded crystal paths.

There was plenty of life too. Small technicoloured birds were singing, fairies, dragonflies and butterflies were flying about, frogs, toads and fish inhabited the ponds and humans, fauns, goblins, dwarves, gnomes, elves, satyrs, nymphs and trolls were walking about.

At one point Lucy and Alcyone reached a park with evergreen trees, crystal clusters, emerald green grass, more crystal benches, a small, luminous multicoloured lake, more holographic statues – one of which showed a life-sized Tyrannosaur, a large fountain of luminous multicoloured water and more paths with gem-embedded crystals.

There was plenty of life too.

Children were walking back and forth along the paths with their parents, playing around or dancing with Elementals.

More technicoloured birds were singing, cats were lying around, fauns were sitting under trees playing Pan pipes, butterflies, dragonflies and fairies were flying about, ducks were swimming, more adult humans were sitting around on benches.

Lucy and Alcyone walked through the park, then into some more gardens, where both humans and Elementals were bathing in small pools.

At one point, Alcyone and Lucy came to a clearing, where within there were several humans and Elementals sitting on crystal stools at square crystal tables with round edges.

It so happened that they were all eating vegetarian meals – roasts, salads, that kind of thing, along with nuts and all kinds of fruit. They were drinking water too.

But the strange thing was, there were no chefs, no waiters or waitresses and no kitchen.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Lucy said. “Why are there no chefs? Why are there no waiters or waitresses? Why is there no kitchen?

“Neither of those are needed.”

“Come again.”

“I’ll show you. Come and sit down.”

Alcyone and Lucy sat down at an empty table.

“Well then?” Lucy asked.

“It’s like this. The beings of Hyperborea, including myself, create things by using the power of thought.”

“I don’t understand.”

Alcyone closed her eyes and two large crystal plates, piled with roast vegetables appeared on the table – one in front of herself and the other in front of Lucy, along with golden knives and forks and two crystal goblets full of sparkling water.

“You see now.”

“I most certainly do.”

“Our technology is super advanced.”

Alcyone and Lucy ate and drank everything.

After that, Alcyone made everything disappear in the same fashion as it had appeared.

“What I don’t understand, is why people here have allotments, when they can simply create food using the power of thought,” Lucy said.

“People like to grow their own food too.”

“I see.”

“Now I will take you to one of the cinemas.”

“Can’t I see some more of the library first?”

“No. It’s just so vast with hundreds of passages. A very long time it would take to see the whole place.”

“I see your point.”

Alcyone and Lucy left the centre of the library the same way they came and entered the passage leading to the library entrance.

After walking a short distance, they came to a cinema with a queue of humans and Elementals going in. They joined the queue and entered the cinema.

The interior of the cinema was dimly lit by dark blue crystals. There were twelve rows of ten seats, one behind the other, facing a screen of unknown material.

When everyone was seated, the cinema darkened and a film began.

To begin with, there appeared a dark opening in a hillside – an opening, which happened to lead to an extensive system of dark caverns and passages, going very deep underground. There were lakes, stalagmites, stalactites and all the other cave formations.

Lucy felt as if she was going on a journey deep into the unknown.

At one point, the passage opened out into a mega, luminous dark green cavern, over three miles long, over two miles wide and over three thousand feet high.

From that moment, it was an astonishing descent, down through a mighty system of immense, illuminated caverns and passages.

Along the way there were vast lakes, immense waterfalls cascading into tremendous misty abysses, swamp caverns, jungle caverns, caverns with enormous inhabited oceans, huge crystals thousands of feet in length, caverns with forests of giant mushrooms and crystal cities, inhabited by peaceful beings, animals and Elementals.

The caverns and passages were not only dark green in colour. There were electric blue ones, orange ones, dark yellow ones, bright green ones, pink ones, dark blue ones, dark red ones, amber ones and many others.

Eventually, after what seemed an eternity, a beige coloured passage streaked with veins of gold, opened out into a range of shimmering mountains – situated in Hyperborea.

With that, the film ended and the dim blue light returned.

Lucy and Alcyone left the cinema.

“Well, what did you think of that?” Alcyone asked.

“It was amazing. So breath-taking.”

“I’m pleased to hear it.”

“Where will you take me now?”

“Back outside the library.”

So Lucy and Alcyone walked all the way back along the passage and left the library.

“Well, I certainly had a wonderful time,” Lucy said.

“I’m pleased to hear it.”

“So what now then?”

“Now you must return to the outer world.”

There was silence for a moment.

Lucy had been so overwhelmed by everything she had seen in the library, that the thought of returning to the outer world had totally escaped her.

“When you return to the outer world, you will find that no time has passed, just like last night. You must remove the ring and put it back on tomorrow night.”


“So that you can return here.”

“Will I be coming to the library again?”


“Why not?”

“Because I will be taking you on a completely different adventure.”

“Well, until tomorrow night then.”

Lucy exchanged farewells with Alcyone and vanished.

When she returned, she found that she was no longer wearing neither the dress nor the sandals.

She removed the ring and placed it on her bedside table, ready for the following night.

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8 Aug, 2021
Read Time
13 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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