No Turning Back (Part 2)

By Poet


Ian went home that night feeling terrible. Where had he gone wrong as a big brother? He could have been there more for his little sister. There was no turning back to change the past now, though. He was there for one of her birthday parties. ‘Wait, did she even ever have a birthday party? Ever? And when is her birthday?’ He thought.

He checked his calendar and saw that it was not written anywhere. Ian called his mom to check with her. Kiara needed at least ONE birthday party in her life, and this year was her… her… whatever years old she was birthday.

“Hey mom! How’re you?” Ian asked with a bright voice.

“I am so tired of cleaning up that… that villain’s mess everywhere.” his mother complained. “But enough about that, how are you sweetie pie?”

“Oh, I am doing pretty well. Just wondering… uh, when is Kiara’s birthday?”

“She is of no concern to me. She is not part of this family anymore.” Her voice seeped with anger. “She has ruined the family name. Destroyed it, in fact. So you should no longer worry about her, we are a lovely family of 5, 4 since your father passed away.”

“How old is she at least.”

“I don’t know, you are 6 years older than her, so do the math. And never ask about her again.” His mother ended the call.

Ian’s heart hit the floor. His sister was only 22. And she was fighting battles he couldn't fight at the age of 24. He trained his entire life just to be able to start fighting. He drew in a deep breath, collected his thoughts, and pressed dial to call his sister.

Only a few miles away, I picked up my phone and answered.


“Hey Kiara.”

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