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Not tonight, Trakka...

Not tonight, Trakka...

By PeterHunter

Not tonight, Trakka…
Peter Hunter

'Not tonight - I'm afraid…'
'But I haven't seen you for weeks, Bobbi…' I protested. 'You've been in the States - working in San Francisco.'
'That - that is the point Trak, she replied 'you did not think I could last that long without it - sex I mean… and there was no one on the crew I fancied - I had to look further afield…
… also I fancied a line of coke.
'So what did you do?' I thought I was being a little forward asking the question.
'… I drove downtown to Fisherman's Wharf… and went into two or three bars until I got talking to a couple of youngsters…'
'And then?' I ventured…
'The subject of drugs inevitably came up - but they did not want money Trak…
… they wanted me…'
I wrinkled up my nose in mock shock or a gesture of surprise.
Bobbi laughed… 'You're being old-fashioned…'
'…both of them…?' I repeated - and I could tell from her girlish giggle that I was right…
' … both together?'
another very satisfied giggle…
'… and don't worry - I'm only out of action until I've finished the antibiotics but I've plenty of other ways of pleasing you…'
Despite her infection she rolled over and proceeded to satisfy me totally…
… imaginatively and enthusiastically…


© Peter Hunter 2012

Extract from … death of an Eroticist… Amazon and Kindle

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About This Story
26 Jul, 2012
Read Time
1 min
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