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3 Reviews

I am me, and I can't adjust myself everytime you don't like something about me. I cut my hair, I got baggy clothes, a few of my friends call me Benjamin. Ha, and no one notices. Some of my friends might leave, but if they do, they weren't there in the first place. Life is a fun obstacle course you have to get through, some of the obstacles are hard to get through; others hurt. Sometimes I feel like some of the obstacles decided to take a break and leave because some things in life are just easy. A lot of it isn't. I feel kind of bad, honestly. Someone told me things take time and you can't rush it on someone. That same person is crying because of the things I've told them. When life said, "here's another obstacle for you to try and get around." I tried for a split second to find a way around it, but there isn't a way around it. I'm still stuck at the same obstacle, I'm not getting through it for a while. As in, about a good estimated 4-6 years. Transitioning takes a while. To already have to wait 4 years before I can make the decision on my own without a parent or gardian. I'm willing to wait. That obstacle sits there in my way, constantly telling me to find a way around, but I just sit there and dream of the day that obstacle realizes that there will never be a way around; even if there's a road in the middle, that road will fall, the way around isn't real. When the obstacle grows legs and walks out of my way, I will finally be able to go to the next obstacle and figure out a way.

Author Notes: I appreciate feedback!!! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Have a wonderful day! Also, part 3 of An Angel's Death is still being worked on and should be finished soon. Thank you for your patience, it is greatly appreciated!!!

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18 Feb, 2021
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5.0 (3 reviews)

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